Has anyone with CIDP had Knee replacement?
i just had my scheduled knee surgery (for Wednesday) that I have been going back and forth with the surgeon since January CANCELLED.
My neurologist spoke with the surgeon yesterday and they canceled me. I have CIDP and diagnosed in 2018. I am in remission. The Docs feel that the trauma of the surgery will cause a full blown attack again. I'm on IVIG sub Q that I administer myself weekly. most of my symptoms have gone except I have weak legs to climb stairs. So currently thanks to Osteoarthritis i have bone on bone in my knee and thus need replacement. Now what? I need to find a surgeon that has experience in my disease. Anyone know of one in NYC maybe Hospital for Special Surgery?
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I was diagnosed with CIDP in 2020 and I had 16 IVIG infusions And that was all I needed. I had my right knee replaced in 2022. Surgeon was completely aware of my CIDP and had no concerns and the knee surgery was terrific and I’m so glad I did it. My CIDP affects my right foot and my right shin and my surgery was on the right knee. I did have a momentary right drop foot when I came out of the anesthesia, but it quickly went away
thats great ! My neurologist is very concerned, although I have been in remission a few years. I do weekly infusions since 2018. He does not want it coming back. Since I've been diagnosed I have hiked Machu Picchu, climbed Pyramids in Egypt and the list goes on and on. He is amazed. The only real effect I have other than numbness is weakness. I have a hard time carrying my body weight up stairs (I weigh 165) i absolutely cannot carry me and anything in my hands. can you share where you had the surgery done?
Flagler orthopedics in Flagler Beach Florida with a tremendous knee surgeon
Dr. Keene
@lucy1254 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! And you’ve already had great response from members. I thought that I has a list of best orthopedic hospitals but it has disappeared like so much on my computer. But you could just google 10 best hospitals for orthopedics.
Have you got any plans for your next trip?
Thanks, yes actually 10/2025 for Greece.
I have CIDP & on monthly IVIG. Two neurosurgeons have given me the green light to have a knee replacement. So, I’m surprised your neurologist is so concerned. I suppose there is always the risk of symptoms increasing… Neurologist suggested I have the surgery one week after the IVIG treatment. I’d be interested to hear from other CIDP patients who have had knee or joint replacement.
I live in west coast FLorida and New york. any doc suggestions?
I have CIDP in my right foot and right shin and I had a right knee replacement in 2020. Everything was fine. I did have a momentary issue of drop foot as I came out of the anesthesia.