Has anyone who has severe osteoporosis had rotator cuff surgeries

Posted by hipgranny1956 @hipgranny1956, May 30 8:14pm

I had rotator cuff surgery in November and then found out I have severe osteoporosis. Has anyone had this situation and how long did it take for your anchors to heal .

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Hi hipgranny1956,
Yes, I had rotator cuff surgery about 4 years ago....only at the time, I did not know that I had severe osteoporosis, but I did. To answer your question; how long did it take the anchors to heal? I'm not sure, but you can expect it takes awhile, but when I had a follow-up MRI maybe a year or so after the surgery as I still had pain, it showed that the surgery healed quite well. However, the surgeon did not use standard anchors to make the attachments to my bone because the anchor would not stay attached to the bone; so she used putty instead of an anchor, which again, healed very well.
So not sure if the healing process would take the same amount of time in your case ? Do you know what the surgeon used to make the re-attachment to your bone?


i have severe osteoporosis in my wrists and forearms and i has successful rotary cuff repair surgeon w a top complex orthopedic shoulder surgeon


Hi hipgranny1956,
Yes, I had rotator cuff surgery about 4 years ago....only at the time, I did not know that I had severe osteoporosis, but I did. To answer your question; how long did it take the anchors to heal? I'm not sure, but you can expect it takes awhile, but when I had a follow-up MRI maybe a year or so after the surgery as I still had pain, it showed that the surgery healed quite well. However, the surgeon did not use standard anchors to make the attachments to my bone because the anchor would not stay attached to the bone; so she used putty instead of an anchor, which again, healed very well.
So not sure if the healing process would take the same amount of time in your case ? Do you know what the surgeon used to make the re-attachment to your bone?

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it seems like this question has very specific and different responses depending upon the patient, the surgeon, and the advancement level of where the surgery was done.

i had almost no pain following shoulder surgery and i immediately adjusted to the plastic anchors my surgeon used.


at least in my b case, the degree of severity of osteoporosis in my body is highly inconsistent.

Whereas my spine is about -2.2, my forearms are over - 4.

i understood that wrists and forearms are rarely scanned in DEXA scans, but mine are done regularly because years ago i had hypercalciumima (sp?) for a short period of time


Hi hipgranny1956,
Yes, I had rotator cuff surgery about 4 years ago....only at the time, I did not know that I had severe osteoporosis, but I did. To answer your question; how long did it take the anchors to heal? I'm not sure, but you can expect it takes awhile, but when I had a follow-up MRI maybe a year or so after the surgery as I still had pain, it showed that the surgery healed quite well. However, the surgeon did not use standard anchors to make the attachments to my bone because the anchor would not stay attached to the bone; so she used putty instead of an anchor, which again, healed very well.
So not sure if the healing process would take the same amount of time in your case ? Do you know what the surgeon used to make the re-attachment to your bone?

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He used the standard anchors. I just made up my mind to try to live with the pain and incomplete mobility for as long as I within the two year period on Fosamax and have the scan again to go from there. Really don't have any options. I'm praying for Grace!


He used the standard anchors. I just made up my mind to try to live with the pain and incomplete mobility for as long as I within the two year period on Fosamax and have the scan again to go from there. Really don't have any options. I'm praying for Grace!

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i am clueless about what “standard anchors” are. The only reason i know what was used is because i read it in the surgical report. Surgery is difficult. I am only willing to go to the very best surgeons in the very best hospitals.


He used the standard anchors. I just made up my mind to try to live with the pain and incomplete mobility for as long as I within the two year period on Fosamax and have the scan again to go from there. Really don't have any options. I'm praying for Grace!

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None of my business but you might want to consider going to a top osteoporosis specialists and see if you can get an Rx for one of the newer medications known for quicker and more significant bone repair. It makes me sad that you seem to believe you had no options but to suffer—but it’s really none of my business. Wishing you all the best


Is there one osteoporosis medicine that is good for forearms please?

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