has anyone recovered from reactive arthritis from salmonella poisoning
I likely posted this elsewhere for that i appologize. Also for the typos. Only 1 fingerrworks. Salmonella poisoning from a waffle and then reactive arthritis thereafter. Confirmed by Health Department and Infectious Diseases expert. August 2024.
First RA prescribed Cellebrex. Horrible reaction. My PCP said Bsaids at rx strength.
Back to RA he says now tekidney disease and ovasculitis!!
Prescribed Azathiopine. Doesn't say why.
Called the infectious disease specialist in initially talked to.
Suggested finding another RA. Next appointment 3 mo out.
F75, previously healthy, active etc. Now can barely take care of kitties. No use of right hand, can't key board,
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I find folic acid and Mobic help
It was 35 years ago, but the immunosuppressant my rheumatologist used for Reactive Arthritis (Reiter's) was Methotrexate. Here are some links to the meds that your doctor prescribed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3527086/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0190962208002818#:~:text=Reiter's%20syndrome%2C%20also%20known%20as,the%20urogenital%20or%20gastrointestinal%20tract. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/reactive-arthritis/treatment/#:~:text=Treatment%20usually%20focuses%20on%3A,using%20painkillers%20such%20as%20ibuprofen