Has anyone on Anastrozole had eye/sight problems?

Posted by frantik223 @frantik223, Aug 2, 2023

I’ve been on Anastrozole since march, I’ve had side effects that have been discussed here but I haven’t seen anyone mention eye or seeing troubles. I am experiencing eye twitching which I have heard about but in my peripheral vision I have wavy lines and now when I blink I see flashes of light. Also my floaters seem to have increased.

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I don't know your age but the gel part of the eye can separate from the retina and this is normal as we age. The retina can detach at any age and this is not normal. These symptoms could be seen with one or the other and in either case you should see an ophthalmologist asap.


I developed glaucoma (not sure if secondary to chemo, Tamoxifen, or AI) but it is a thing. Important to have a complete exam at your optometrist, who may refer you to ophthalmology. Easily managed, but should not be ignored.


These sound like the symptoms I experienced several years ago before my cancer diagnosis. Vitreous detachment. You need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. I had a few tests done at eye care center to confirm. For me it happened very suddenly, was painless, only in one eye. It took about a week to resolve. Best to get checked-good luck!


In 2017 an ophthalmologist told me to go directly to an emergency room if I saw flashes of light.


In 2017 an ophthalmologist told me to go directly to an emergency room if I saw flashes of light.

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I have been on Anastrozole for about a year and a half. I noticed that I was needing my reading glasses suddenly for distance. I went to the eye doctor and was prescribed bifocal contacts. I told the doctor about my meds and he didn’t seem to think they were the cause, but honestly he wasn’t sure.

I don’t know if this helps, but it did seem like shortly after starting Anastrozole, my vision changed.

This is off subject, but I also have noticed that I bruise more easily on Anastrozole.


I did see the eye Dr today and he doesn’t see any tears or holes, cataracts are there but nothing to do for them yet. Thank you all for your concerns, I have never moved so fast on something like this before and thankfully it was not a concern.


Yes I have. I was taking anastrozole for about 3 weeks and I was getting blurry vision. Flashing lights and by 5 weeks I felt like I was losing my eye sight. My Oncologist immediately took me off it. He said it’s a rare side affect but it does happen. My sight was totally back to normal one week after stopping it.


I have macular puckers and experience everything except the eye twitching. I've had it a couple of years before I had cancer. I was on anastrozole for two months and switched about a month ago. I'm curious now because my eyes have gotten worse this past month I have been to three different doctors about my eyes. The first one thought I may need cataract surgery and possible glaucoma and sent me for a second opinion. The second opinion doc said my cataracts were mild and no glaucoma. He referred me back to my retina specialist. Saw him this morning and the macular pockets haven't changed much. I don't know what's going on but maybe I need new glasses.


I am 73 y and have been on Anastrazole since the end of January. I began to notice a problem with my vision a few weeks ago. It was difficult to focus ( in the right eye more than left), and blurry vision. I used glasses for reading before, but even using them is not correcting the problem. I had an eye exam 2 years ago , but now (in May ) I am told that I have cataracts. I am also finding that my hair is thinning A LOT. It is particularly noticeable as I had thick hair before where the hair stylist would have to thin it when cutting, but not now!
I can’t run my fingers through my hair without lots of hair strands coming out in my fingers.
I attribute this to my taking the Anastrazole. What can be done about these issues.


I have had similar symptoms- started with anastrozole and switched to letrozole after 6 months with a month off between medications. I had eye twitching, waves lines (like my eye lashes were in the way of my vision), flashes of light when I blinked and increased floaters. Went straight to the eye doctor and he didn’t see anything alarming- now I find my eyes are dry (like if you wear soft contacts and they are totally dried out in your eye) AND I don’t need my contact anymore, my vision in my right eye is better without the contact. I need to go see the eye dr again but in the interim I had breast reconstruction, dealing with shoulder problems so now it’s time to go back to the eye doctor.
Hope this helps

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