Has anyone noticed the world has changed since Covid?

Posted by aja1958 @aja1958, Sep 8, 2023

The world has changed since Covid and I don’t like it.

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I so agree with you. We were put on high altert about COVID with the Media Frenzy on every channel. It put "fear" into a lot of people and pushed many into the "fright or flight" mode. Fear is paralyzing, especially to the already sick and elderly. People began to stay home more. Churches closed and so did schools. We lost a lot of communication with others. Children suffered depression from staying at home. There are 2 things in this world that we need: 1) To be loved & 2) To be needed. We need to be hugged on by friends/famly and loved ones. We need to be around others. Those that had COVID (Rightly so....I was one of them) isolated from others until they were better. My entire family (we all had COVID at different times) isolated ourselves into one room to keep the other family from contracting COVID. Reading My Bible and praying kept me sane as I was the sickest one and isolated the longest. Cards sent to me and meals dropped off at the door for us was such a blessing. Mask wearing for me is torturous due to having asthma & long COVID, but, I still do it out in public & doctor visits due to my lowered immune system and the uptick in COVID now. I pray for God to remove this virus from our world. We have never been through anything like this and we are still reeling from this today and are still not back to normal. I pray life returns back to pre-COVID days for us all. God Bless You & praying for you all.


The world has not changed. Good and evil has and will always exist until God return. Matter of fact, people weren’t overly concerned about others before Covid. It was and always been about issues faced by the poor, middle class, and the rich.

All Covid did was lock down everyone for a while causing everybody to look at themselves closely in the mirror to examine our individual mindsets and move forward from selfish narcissistic narrow minded toxicity to make this world a better place.

Sadly, society is slipping behind the iron curtain of perverse entitlement and me mentality again.


The world has not changed. Good and evil has and will always exist until God return. Matter of fact, people weren’t overly concerned about others before Covid. It was and always been about issues faced by the poor, middle class, and the rich.

All Covid did was lock down everyone for a while causing everybody to look at themselves closely in the mirror to examine our individual mindsets and move forward from selfish narcissistic narrow minded toxicity to make this world a better place.

Sadly, society is slipping behind the iron curtain of perverse entitlement and me mentality again.

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Amen to that! Blessings & Prayers....


My wife and I retired shortly before the pandemic and have maintained a sheltered life ever since. I am an extrovert and miss the social interactions, while my wife is perfectly content with our isolated life. We disagree about the precautions necessary to prevent Covid. We both mask when with family indoors, but my wife, unlike me, strongly believes that we need to mask outdoors when within six feet of others. We get all the Covid vaccinations and also seasonal flu and now the new RSV vaccine. Thankfully my wife doesn't mind if I attend events by myself (masked), like concerts and other get-togethers that don't involve eating.


Iknow I'm getting older and I CAN FEEL IT. I don't talk about that and I don't bring it up. I am So scared to look at what's Really happening. At what the Entire World knew before me. Yes it bothers me but Only because I really learned a New Trade, how to Naturally Ignore other people's views cause only mine are right


How would I know, I've become a hermit since covid. Has the world changed?

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I understand entirely! The Fear is keeping everyone away but also has way too many, with our same view, closing all doors. Doors to our life, heart and especially our Voice. I hate typing cause it is easier to Say it. No One wants to be near another person and that only leaves our Dr. and I'm sure they are tired of hearing us complain. WE Need Each other! It has always been that way.
Thank you for your comment. It was very helpful and I see we all still need eachother.


I so agree with you. We were put on high altert about COVID with the Media Frenzy on every channel. It put "fear" into a lot of people and pushed many into the "fright or flight" mode. Fear is paralyzing, especially to the already sick and elderly. People began to stay home more. Churches closed and so did schools. We lost a lot of communication with others. Children suffered depression from staying at home. There are 2 things in this world that we need: 1) To be loved & 2) To be needed. We need to be hugged on by friends/famly and loved ones. We need to be around others. Those that had COVID (Rightly so....I was one of them) isolated from others until they were better. My entire family (we all had COVID at different times) isolated ourselves into one room to keep the other family from contracting COVID. Reading My Bible and praying kept me sane as I was the sickest one and isolated the longest. Cards sent to me and meals dropped off at the door for us was such a blessing. Mask wearing for me is torturous due to having asthma & long COVID, but, I still do it out in public & doctor visits due to my lowered immune system and the uptick in COVID now. I pray for God to remove this virus from our world. We have never been through anything like this and we are still reeling from this today and are still not back to normal. I pray life returns back to pre-COVID days for us all. God Bless You & praying for you all.

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I totally agree with you! I hate what COVID has done to our lives . Especially since my husband’s cancer diagnosis this year . He has no fear of COVID , but I do . I still mask everywhere . Having enough stress right now ….. wished COVID never came into our lives!😢


I am 77yo and I have often said, "I didn't sign up for this"! The world has changed in so many ways and I don't like it, either! I try to stay away from the news because of the constant violence, the climate change disasters, the hatred in this world. It is overwhelming sometimes. I have to constantly fight my depression and anxiety disorder with everything that is going on. I never thought I would live to see a world like this.


Iknow I'm getting older and I CAN FEEL IT. I don't talk about that and I don't bring it up. I am So scared to look at what's Really happening. At what the Entire World knew before me. Yes it bothers me but Only because I really learned a New Trade, how to Naturally Ignore other people's views cause only mine are right

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“ I really learned a New Trade, how to Naturally Ignore other people's views cause only mine are right.”

Don’t you think it scarier to have an inflexible view that refuses to acknowledge that changes are inevitable?

You want to exist in your own mind where you are right and everyone else is wrong?

You really want a life that doesn’t coexist with others viewpoints because of fear you are unable to respectfully agree to disagree. Now that is scary.

Don’t let fear of aging led you to live a disillusioned lifestyle paralyzing you from living your best life.

Live, love and laugh and enjoy whatever days left you have left.


I had a stroke Christmas Eve, 2018, and was getting PT when Covid hit. After 1 session wearing a mask (summer 2020), my therapist told me, "This is not good for you. You clearly can't breathe."

No more PT for me. Not a problem in itself, but the resulting isolation has been a problem. I just don't get out enough or have enough interaction with real, live human beings.

I've actually found that people are very patient when I do go out and struggle to move. But the number of friends I've lost contact with has been very difficult. It seems to be a problem common to many.

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