Has anyone had surgery to remove scar tissue?
I have a lot of scar tissue from radiation leaving me with a challenged airway - it has also ratcheted down on my vocal cords taking my voice as well as painful- I live in an area that the Drs tell me to find a specialist (it’s over their heads) but the idea that I could have improvement would be incredible. I have been seen by 2 ENT surgeons in my state but I don’t think the information was there. So has anyone surviving throat cancer had radiation and surgery to remove scar tissue or anyone with some advice I don’t know where to go from here?
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Follow up on the small bowel obstructions/from scar tissue of feeding tube. After reviewing the 2 emergency room notes, my surgeon (Ivor Lewis surgery) suggested that I wait and if it happens again, they may go in and do some removal of scar tissue. As I am in Florida, and my surgeon is in Houston, that poses a potential threat due to the time, it would take me to get there. I’m still very concerned because we know removing scar tissue can create more scar tissue.
Has anyone had bowel obstructions following a feeding tube?
I had mine for 6 months.
Concerned because my local emergency room doctors are not receptive to treating me once they see my scat CAT scan and the repositioned organs of my gut. (from the Ivor Lewis surgery) I don’t know how I will be able to get on the plane and go back to Houston if this happens again. Concerned about what could happen in an emergency situation if I have another bowel obstruction .
I have scar tissue surrounding the area of my JTube I had for 6 months. Because of the scar tissue, I’ve had 2 small bowel obstructions in the past 7 months and I am waiting to hear back from my surgeon regarding the possibility of removal of the scar tissue. My Dr is at MD Anderson in Houston. This is different from the areas that people have commented on this thread, but I will respond back as soon as I hear from MD Anderson. God Bless!
@mindyt, I'm throwing **confetti**. I'm so glad that you came back to share this update and that you had such encouraging news to share.
It must be so great to talk again. How is your voice? Did it sound different to you? Does it continue to get stronger?
Thank you - I just want cancer survivors to know it can get better and you should seek many opinions. I wish I had done this from the getgo because I didn’t realize I had other treatment options.
Very good news to hear. Sorry it took so long but at least brighter days ahead. You are a good example of someone taking charge and seeking the results you needed.
I haven’t commented for a while but I wanted to update everyone after almost 4 years in a trachea- no voice for 3 years - remission for 3.5 years from stage 4 laryngeal cancer with radiation and chemo therapy. I am free of the trachea- I am able to talk normal again - I am able to eat normally again. It’s been a miracle- I found the right Drs and they do this all day everyday. I was at the point of giving in to a laryngectomy- I was in pain unable to sleep - unable to talk living in isolation from friends and family but I wanted another opinion. I went to NYU Langone Otolaryngology Assoc - cancer center then worked with the Speach center. I started with Dr Jacobson who referred me to Dr Amin who specializes in Vocal Cords - my first surgery I had 3 surgeons but it works - I had Dr Jacobson - Dr Cosby - Dr Amin - it went on from there - that first surgery was to see what was possible that was in Feb and now in September it looks like I have made it through and it’s a miracle.
You all are great with the information flowing in this sub-discussion of dealing with breathing. My experience with a trach is limited to only a few months so I had nothing to add to the experiences of all of you. Great ideas from you all on how you just deal with what you have and go on living. Ultimately our healthcare is up to us and this is an excellent example.
Thanks. I'm looking into something, but it looks a little different.
Here is an image of one. Yes, it just presses right on the opening (is that the stoma?!!)
Like the inner canula, it does hinder breathing, but not as bad as the canula.
When the air is dry, I put one on at bedtime. Usually, around 1:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m., I remove it. At that point, the humidity is created will cause the mucus to greatly loosen for an easy expel. That is good, because at that time of night, who wants to be cleaning out a tube?
Let me know how it works out for you if you decide to get some.
What kind of HME do you use?
And...does it just fit on the end of the stoma?