Has anyone had success reducing ankle swelling?

Posted by timr71 @timr71, Jul 6, 2023

I have the common symptoms of Transverse Myelitis but a new one has started a couple weeks ago. I have considerable ankle swelling in both legs. I've worn compression socks for months and knee wraps when exercising. Has anyone had success dealing with ankle swelling?

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Hi @timr71, I have swelling in both legs and some in the ankles due to lymphedema. I wear compression socks during the day to control the swelling. There are a lot of different causes for swollen ankles. Here's an article on the possible causes.
--- 12 causes of swollen ankles: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324324

Have you discussed the swelling with your doctor for possible causes?


I have had ankle swelling for years. I think it started from a mosquito or maybe a spider bite on left ankle. X-rays and MRIs show fluid. Pain starts after walking several times a month. I have done physical therapy and stopped walking. Pain gets better and I start walking, pain comes back. Dr. gave me ankle brace which helps a lot. The only solution is to have a surgery done. My leg is swollen several areas but it is not from kidneys. Drs said it's due to ankle being inflamed. I don't like to take anti inflammatory drugs. These drugs are not safe.


I too had ankle swelling. Vascular ultrasound confirmed several leg vein-one way valves allowing fluid to drain back and accumulate in ankles. Possible plugging of those veins or ablasion offered. Compression socks, less weight and more exercise recommended.


My left ankle has been swollen for 2 years. MRI, venous deficit test, ultra sound just show fluid. No breaks,no vascular issues. Pain was intense after walking until I started water aerobics. The activity in the water has reduced the pain to none. Between the pool activity and acupuncture I’m able to walk with my dogs without pain. The swelling of my ankle is still there.


Please advise me on the acupuncture. Is it painful?
How long are the sessions?
I too have the ankle swelling.


@timr71, I have ankle swelling and leg swelling and I've found that the swelling is directly related to what I eat and drink. I do take 3 torsemide in the morning and 3 in the evening to reduce my retention of fluids, but consumption of alcohol seems to make it worse and the consumption of processed foods makes it worse.


@timr71, I have ankle swelling and leg swelling and I've found that the swelling is directly related to what I eat and drink. I do take 3 torsemide in the morning and 3 in the evening to reduce my retention of fluids, but consumption of alcohol seems to make it worse and the consumption of processed foods makes it worse.

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If you are eating foods high is salt, this could be the problem. Bacon, Ham, lunch meats etc.
Have you spoken to your doctor about this. Some medications can cause this problem also.


I agree with Gina5009/ I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and am also on 6 diuretics a day. 3-am & 3-pm. Alcohol is not your friend if you have liver problems. I quit 5 years ago and reduced my salt intake dramatically becoming a convert to reading labels on food. For example: Most frozen food dinners have about 900+ mg of sodium. 2000 a day is what my Dr. recommended. I try for 1500mg. No more swelling. I have HBP too, so when I watch TV I make sure I have my legs raised to help the blood circulate. Ask your doctor what they recommend depending on your various conditions. Good luck. Ginger


I have had ankle swelling for years. I think it started from a mosquito or maybe a spider bite on left ankle. X-rays and MRIs show fluid. Pain starts after walking several times a month. I have done physical therapy and stopped walking. Pain gets better and I start walking, pain comes back. Dr. gave me ankle brace which helps a lot. The only solution is to have a surgery done. My leg is swollen several areas but it is not from kidneys. Drs said it's due to ankle being inflamed. I don't like to take anti inflammatory drugs. These drugs are not safe.

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Anti-inflammatory - just a suggestion, certainly confer with your doctor. I take Tumeric about 4x a day. It really helps me. Took about a week to start feeling the effects but well worth the wait! Ginger


A friend of mine who has Bile Duct Cancer had very bad swelling of legs and feet. She us using Hibiscus Flower Tea and after 3 days a noticeable improvement. She is buying Hibiscus (Jamaica) flowers on Amazon and brewing her own. I don’t believe tea bags would give the same benefits.

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