Has anyone had issues while tapering off of Clonazepam

Posted by firefly70 @firefly70, 2 days ago

I began tapering off 1 mg clonazepam in September. I have been doing well. My symptoms were manageable. I am now completely off. I have begun having withdrawal symptoms. Shaking and jerking movements, horrible tinitis, blurred vision. I feel like I’m in a funhouse. Vertigo, it feels like the ground is tilting, flu like symptoms. I went to the ER a week ago because I convinced myself I was dying. Was tested for flu and covid. Both negative. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how long did this last?

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You don’t say how long you were on this. It sounds like you went way too fast, which is why you’re having so many problems, unfortunately. 5 to 10% a month should’ve been all you were taking off of this. I was on 1mg benzo for only four months because I couldn’t get help. Finally got help. Did a water taper, from some help on a benzo website on FB. Has taken me nine months and I’ve had no problems at all. If you need help, I suggest you get on.FB on BeatingBenzos . There are so many people on there that have had problems with these benzos and can help you out a lot.

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