Has anyone had an ultrasound guided needle biopsy for diagnosis?

Posted by meomurian @meomurian, Jun 22, 2023

I am scheduled for a breast exam and mammogram. They have also scheduled a possible ultrasound guided biopsy in case they see something. I’ve only had a stereotactic needle biopsy and would like to know what to expect. Thanks.

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I had one. It was not at all painful.


Yes, I had one. Was told it would be painless, but two insertions and I about jumped off the table on the second. I felt both. Bad bruising and hematoma afterward. I think I had a very poor interventional radiologist who clearly did not give me enough lidocaine even tho I asked for a second shot. Everyone else has had a much better experience, it appears. I am sure you will too.

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Yes, I'm thinking it was your IR that didn't numb you up correctly. Sorry you went through that. The IR should have corrected the situation once it was apparent you were in pain.

I'll offer another explanation to your situation. I was 18 before I discovered not everyone was in excruciating pain during dental work. I thought novacaine must just take the edge off, but not remove pain. Then one dentist told me I had the same problem as his wife. It isn't that they weren't using enough novacaine, it's that my nerve endings were much higher than normal. Once he re-located the shot, I was in no pain for the first time! He made good notes for the future. What a difference that made in my life! I have to re-train each new dentist.

So @meomurian now you know if you're in pain, you shouldn't be. Be your own advocate for immediate correction. That may even be a question to ask the IR in advance, "I knew someone who...will you stop and use additional lidocaine if that happens to me?"


My biopsy was a bit painful, but like the last comment, I think I didn't get enough lidocaine to start. After 3 disections I broke down crying and the radiologist said " oh my goodness, you should have told me after the first one that it hurt." She gave me more lidocaine and the last 3 weren't as bad. I was shaken up by then though.

I would recommend just asking radiologist if they can be sure to give you enough and if it hurts to tell them.

If I got through it, I know you can too!! You got this!!!!


Yes, I had one. Was told it would be painless, but two insertions and I about jumped off the table on the second. I felt both. Bad bruising and hematoma afterward. I think I had a very poor interventional radiologist who clearly did not give me enough lidocaine even tho I asked for a second shot. Everyone else has had a much better experience, it appears. I am sure you will too.

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Yes I have had a needle biopsy before determined to be cancer. Didn’t hurt at all. I had a bilateral mastectomy January 9th of this year because I’m also BRCA positive. The incision still bothers me. I had lymph nodes taken on left side, having some discomfort with swelling. Going to go just to my GP, probably need therapy. It’s been a journey that’s for sure, wish you the best every case is different


I did and was very fearful but it was nothing! Didn’t feel a thing.
You will be fine. 🙏


I did and was very fearful but it was nothing! Didn’t feel a thing.
You will be fine. 🙏

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Your not suppose to take Motrin pre procedure but I took three to take the edge off.


I did and was very fearful but it was nothing! Didn’t feel a thing.
You will be fine. 🙏

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Thanks for the encouragement and prayer.


Had 3 over the years and painless. Breast tissue has no nerves but had one this last time on nipple & it hurt but not too bad. Everyone handles pain or has different degrees of pain tolerance - but for me the procedure was uneventful.


Yes & was EXTREMELY painful!!! Awful experience & the Dr performing it had no sympathy. Only 2 shots of deadner & I still felt everything! All I could do was lay there so still & tears falling down anyway. The techs had more sympathy for me than he did.
Was performed on my thyroid. Had a cancerous mass on the front part of the gland, that came out a few weeks later.


Yes, I also had an ultrasound guided needle biopsy. Mine was also painless and stress free. I was lying comfortably on my back and the radiologist did the biopsy. My malignant tumor was only 7 mm, buried deep and she was able to hit the target using that procedure. It was 10 years ago so I don't remember how long it took. An hour? They also biopsied another nodule at the same time that turned out to be benign. Very kind and gentle radiologist and assistant. Blessings, Zebra

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What treatment after that did you receive?
Thanks for any help.

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