Has anyone had an ultrasound guided needle biopsy for diagnosis?

Posted by meomurian @meomurian, Jun 22, 2023

I am scheduled for a breast exam and mammogram. They have also scheduled a possible ultrasound guided biopsy in case they see something. I’ve only had a stereotactic needle biopsy and would like to know what to expect. Thanks.

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Yes, I had 7 insertions. It was painless - no problem. My diagnosis was Atipical hypoplasia- non cancerous, but can turn into cancer if the lump is not removed or you can do preventative treatment with regular mammograms and meds to reduce production of estrogen


Yes, I also had an ultrasound guided needle biopsy. Mine was also painless and stress free. I was lying comfortably on my back and the radiologist did the biopsy. My malignant tumor was only 7 mm, buried deep and she was able to hit the target using that procedure. It was 10 years ago so I don't remember how long it took. An hour? They also biopsied another nodule at the same time that turned out to be benign. Very kind and gentle radiologist and assistant. Blessings, Zebra


Yes. Mostly painless. They do an ultrasound on your breast to pinpoint (no pun!) the location while the needle is inserted. The nurse placed a pillow under my raised arm which helped.
Here's a description in case someone wants to check out the difference between stereotactic vs ultrasound guided biopsy.


Yes I had a needle guided biopsy - it was mostly painless. They used ultrasound to identify location, took the core sample, then inserted a marker as part of the procedure so it would be visible during all future scans. It was slightly uncomfortable keeping my arm in that position - but the technician and the assistant that was in the room to help me stay calm was most helpful. I was extremely scared - I had not told anyone I was having the procedure so I felt alone. I believe I left with an ice pack and since COVID was still around I was working remotely and returned to work afterwards - my mind was elsewhere so I was only slightly productive - but it wasn't because of discomfort. I believe they suggested I use ice packs or bags of frozen peas for several hours to prevent swelling. Afterwards I only took Tylenol for discomfort. They numb the site and that was when you feel the pin prick of the needle.


Thanks so much for the information! I feel better prepared now in case the radiologist decides to do a biopsy after seeing my mammogram.


Yes. Mostly painless. They do an ultrasound on your breast to pinpoint (no pun!) the location while the needle is inserted. The nurse placed a pillow under my raised arm which helped.
Here's a description in case someone wants to check out the difference between stereotactic vs ultrasound guided biopsy.

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Thanks! The link was helpful too! I hope your results were good.


Yikes! 7 injections! I’m happy to hear it wasn’t painful.


Yes, I also had an ultrasound guided needle biopsy. Mine was also painless and stress free. I was lying comfortably on my back and the radiologist did the biopsy. My malignant tumor was only 7 mm, buried deep and she was able to hit the target using that procedure. It was 10 years ago so I don't remember how long it took. An hour? They also biopsied another nodule at the same time that turned out to be benign. Very kind and gentle radiologist and assistant. Blessings, Zebra

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Thanks, Zebra! Good news that your tumor was tiny and they could get it with the biopsy. Blessings to you, too.


Yes, I had one. Was told it would be painless, but two insertions and I about jumped off the table on the second. I felt both. Bad bruising and hematoma afterward. I think I had a very poor interventional radiologist who clearly did not give me enough lidocaine even tho I asked for a second shot. Everyone else has had a much better experience, it appears. I am sure you will too.


Sorry you had a bad experience. I’m praying mine (if I have to have one) won’t be like that.

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