Has anyone had a tight band feeling after total knee replacement?

Posted by mhort1213 @mhort1213, Feb 28, 2019

I am 8 weeks post TKR and have had this very tight band around my knee since week one. My Dr at 6 wks says it is normal and will go away. Has anyone else had this and did it go away and when?

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I had it since my second right knee was replaced. I feel a tight band in the outside surface of my knee. An ortho nurse practitioner was minimal help. Ortho MD says my IT band is inflamed, ordered PT, and told me to cut down my frequent 5 mile walks, which I have done. I have been a walker for several years, enjoy it so much, so it is impossible to stop my walking although I have cut down.
Any one else have this issue with IT band?
IT band.


I also have that problem and it has lasted 6 years

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So what did you do for it? It’s miserable


So what did you do for it? It’s miserable

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I'd also like to know....I have this and it went away and now it's back again and I am I am now 16 months out and still feel that tightness but mine goes from the bottom of my knee to the top.


I'd also like to know....I have this and it went away and now it's back again and I am I am now 16 months out and still feel that tightness but mine goes from the bottom of my knee to the top.

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Mine is the knee and above. I do pt and the trainer. They say my muscles are weak and I need to keep at it. Ugh


I had it since my second right knee was replaced. I feel a tight band in the outside surface of my knee. An ortho nurse practitioner was minimal help. Ortho MD says my IT band is inflamed, ordered PT, and told me to cut down my frequent 5 mile walks, which I have done. I have been a walker for several years, enjoy it so much, so it is impossible to stop my walking although I have cut down.
Any one else have this issue with IT band?
IT band.

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I had this issue after my TKR and PT said it was my IT band too. They used some kind of foam roller on the side of my leg and manually worked that on it for a few sessions and that took care of it. I am 6 years out from my surgery and have had no more problems with it.


Mine is the knee and above. I do pt and the trainer. They say my muscles are weak and I need to keep at it. Ugh

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I still have that occasionally....leg lifts on the bed help lots. Lift your foot just about 6 inches and hold it there for 10 seconds and slowly put it down and do as many as you can. You will definitely feel it in your thigh but it helps tremendously with that muscle. Mine is still weak but much better than where you are at 8 weeks. Keep working and you will see a huge difference in the weeks to come.


I have and still feel like I have a tube sock on… I am 7 weeks post total knee replacement.


Mine is the knee and above. I do pt and the trainer. They say my muscles are weak and I need to keep at it. Ugh

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I’m 4 yrs out of a tkr and still have pain and tightness From an X-ray I was told my apparatus is a little loose. I’m working with a pt to strengthen the muscles around it


I'd also like to know....I have this and it went away and now it's back again and I am I am now 16 months out and still feel that tightness but mine goes from the bottom of my knee to the top.

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I hear you all …. For me I still have tightness I think after almost 3 years and 2 surgeries I always will …. I have come to accept it … I don let it stop me from exercising or doing most things I want to do …. Except ride a bike that I can not do well let me rephrase I can but it would be so painful so not the exercise for me ….i have done a lot to help with pain …. Today a big part of my routine is a foam roller it has been so beneficial for it band and thigh pain …. I use smooth foam roller tried textured one was very painful for me but whatever works for you …. Amazon has for 20.00 not bad for relief …. Keep looking to you find what works for you


I hear you all …. For me I still have tightness I think after almost 3 years and 2 surgeries I always will …. I have come to accept it … I don let it stop me from exercising or doing most things I want to do …. Except ride a bike that I can not do well let me rephrase I can but it would be so painful so not the exercise for me ….i have done a lot to help with pain …. Today a big part of my routine is a foam roller it has been so beneficial for it band and thigh pain …. I use smooth foam roller tried textured one was very painful for me but whatever works for you …. Amazon has for 20.00 not bad for relief …. Keep looking to you find what works for you

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I wanted to respond to this. I as well had a bum knee replacement 7 years ago. I loved riding my bike. I found the following : http://www.orthopedal.com . We ordered this and installed it on my bike and it helped and continues to help. Our local bike shop was also aware of this little contraption you put on your pedal. I recently chose to be proactive and not wait for as much loss or damage to the other knee. January 8, 2024 was my other knee replacement. It has been successful even though I am still in physical therapy working on it. Good luck, hope this helps.

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