Has anyone had a loved one tell you it’s all in your head.

Posted by solmcaz @solmcaz, Aug 13, 2023

My ex wife and I both had long covid for 10 months after she brought the virus home from a vacation to see some friends back east. Now that she is recovering from long covid and I’m not she thinks it may be all in my head. I have stage 4 COPD and my doctor said it may take me longer to recover due to the severity of my pre existing condition. I have now sent her back to her friends back east.

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Words can slap and hurt as much as hands can. I didn't get that with my covid, but did with celiac. After diagnosis some friends said "you don't have celiac, you have some gluten intolerance and need to stop getting on people's nerves". After that I didn't burrow into myself, I found new friends. I hope that your wife finds some compassion. With covid I find ways to escape in bits, with resting in between.


yes. Loved ones saying callous remarks like that has made dealing with this disease at least 1.5x harder for me.


These people thinking and saying those kind of things have NOT walked in our shoes! Long COVID is definitely real for those of us suffering !


Yes…. They can be so cruel.


yes. Loved ones saying callous remarks like that has made dealing with this disease at least 1.5x harder for me.

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Loved ones? How about a doctor saying that? Turned out little Miss Doctor was wrong, really wrong about my severe arthritic condition in my sciatic joint. I think she fell asleep in some of her bedside manner and interpreting x-ray classes.
Needless to say, I only had one appointment with her before seeing a competent and caring doctor.


Hi to all. I have been laying low after couple of disability required appts that proved further how any mental, physical, cognitive additional exertion we do drastically effects us and unless others have gone thru this, they do not have a clue. In my area, appears the Physical Therapists and Dermatologists, who physically see us, have the informed view and empathy to at least “hear” and respond with expected and more so hopeful bedside manner. I am truly tearing up for all on this website and hope everyone finds at least one person who truly understands this new daunting journey of ours. Healing to all🌈


These people thinking and saying those kind of things have NOT walked in our shoes! Long COVID is definitely real for those of us suffering !

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And, It is real for those NOT in our shoes, too.
SOoooo many people are unable to work or function due to long haul! Unfortunately, for some people it is easier to “care” or behave kindly towards someone whose hurt they can see— cast on a leg & crutches vs. Crohns, for example. Too, some are afraid of illness, and this fear translates to disgust, anger, and sometimes cruelty towards people that they WANT to be better. Having said that? Knowing it doesn’t really help much. It’s devastating to have a family member or close one discard your life’s devastating experience instead of reach out to you with kindness and empathy.


I meant that whether someone ACKNOWLEDGES it or not? doesn't change the fact that Long Covid IS real


I meant that whether someone ACKNOWLEDGES it or not? doesn't change the fact that Long Covid IS real

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Hi Solmcaz, I’m sorry. And for everyone else, I am also sorry. I understand. I myself feel very adrift right now. My family does not believe me and regardless, they don’t want to hear about it. So, I’ve got a psych that I see regularly and I am about to start a 5 week, 4 days a week, 5 hours a day Outpatient program for developing better coping skills. It’s like I have found myself alone with my altered body; it’s scary. Additionally, I don’t understand why I don’t have more support from my doctors. There’s so much I don’t understand anymore. It’s quite depressing, I find. Sorry to be a downer. 😘❤️


Hi Solmcaz, I’m sorry. And for everyone else, I am also sorry. I understand. I myself feel very adrift right now. My family does not believe me and regardless, they don’t want to hear about it. So, I’ve got a psych that I see regularly and I am about to start a 5 week, 4 days a week, 5 hours a day Outpatient program for developing better coping skills. It’s like I have found myself alone with my altered body; it’s scary. Additionally, I don’t understand why I don’t have more support from my doctors. There’s so much I don’t understand anymore. It’s quite depressing, I find. Sorry to be a downer. 😘❤️

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Oh that is AWFUL. Just so so hard! I’m so sorry you aren’t supported. It’s hard enough to deal with outside disbelief/- but add that to inner circle, it can BE too much!
The program you’re going to sounds like one to get you “over” something ; that whole “you shape up now” attitude,
I’m so sorry—

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