Has anyone had a leg muscle transfer surgery for facial paralysis?

Posted by pfairb01 @pfairb01, Sep 18, 2023

I have full facial paralysis ont eh left side of my face. I need to have surgery to transfer a muscle from my leg into my mouth so I can smile again. I would like to talk with anyone who has had this type of surgery.
Thank you.

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@pfairb01, I'm tagging @hrhwilliam on this discussion. He had a similar surgery for reconstruction after head and neck cancer. It was not the transfer of muscle from the leg, but rather bone from the fibula. You can read more about his experience and others in this discussion:
- Mandible Reconstruction with Fibula Free Flap. Is this an option? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mandible-reconstruction-with-fibula-free-flap-is-this-an-option/

Pfair01, if I'm understanding correctly, you are having what is called muscle transposition for facial reanimation surgery. Have I got that right? When will you have the surgery?


@pfairb01, I'm tagging @hrhwilliam on this discussion. He had a similar surgery for reconstruction after head and neck cancer. It was not the transfer of muscle from the leg, but rather bone from the fibula. You can read more about his experience and others in this discussion:
- Mandible Reconstruction with Fibula Free Flap. Is this an option? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mandible-reconstruction-with-fibula-free-flap-is-this-an-option/

Pfair01, if I'm understanding correctly, you are having what is called muscle transposition for facial reanimation surgery. Have I got that right? When will you have the surgery?

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Yes . Early next year.


Hi @pfairb01. I saw your post that Colleen forwarded. I'm not sure I can be of help in that I had my left lower jaw replaced with a fibula section which included tissue, muscle, and blood vessel supply. Delicate work it is but in the end it works pretty well. I do have an area where I have no feeling what-so-ever both inside my mouth and out. That took a while to get used to as far as eating and talking. To this day I still can jab a straw into my lip as I have no real idea where it is. Oddly enough resting my chin on a platform for an eye exam cannot be done without my fingers guiding my chin into position. Again nothing sensational and overall I am happy with the results.
I really don't understand how they will connect the nerve to operate the muscle in this transplant but of course I am a patient, not a physician. I would really like to know how this works out for you.
The surgical recovery may not be your favorite few weeks in life but nothing difficult is ever easy. I resembled John Merrick for a while and thought OMG what have I done. But today the circus once again charges me admission like everyone else.
I wish you luck and good healing. I always have an ear if you wish to talk.


I have had this type of surgery. I’m only 6 months into recovered drs say 1 year before they can do the facial reanimating and brow lift.

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