Has anyone experienced severe eye pain with Forteo

Posted by 06111945cc @06111945cc, Mar 19 3:38am

Severe eye pain while using Forteo. (Along with a number of other side affects.)

The pain is near the outside edge of my left eyeball.

It’s so bad I’m thinking of going to see an Ophthalmologist immediately.

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Please go quickly to the Ophthamologist - any severe eye pain should be seen immediately.
Let us know what the outcome is.


Thank you.

I went to the eye doctor day before yesterday.

She wrote orders for a lot of blood tests and prescribed prednisolone drops for my eye.

The eye is better. I go back to see her this afternoon.



Great news!
Hope this improvement will continue.


The eye is better.

Thank you for your support.



Follow up.

My ophthalmologist recommend that I see a rheumatologist.

It looks to me like Forteo is giving me arthritis.



Follow up.

My ophthalmologist recommend that I see a rheumatologist.

It looks to me like Forteo is giving me arthritis.


Jump to this post

Here are the results of the blood test.

Shared files

Patient Information (Patient-Information.pdf)


I’ve been reading about rheumatoid arthritis.

When you consider my history of extreme fatigue ,
of pain in my right toe, swelling of feet and legs and scleritis in my eye, symptoms point to Rheumatoid arthritis.

What should I do?



Ophthalmologist said: this is the kind of thing you might see with the Bisphosphonates.

Does this mean I should stay away from Bisphosphonates?

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