Has anyone experienced pain in groin area?
Has anyone experienced groin pain on the left leg? I was originally told that this was do to sciatica, and the pressing on nerves.
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I had occult groin pain after resuming jogging at age 70.
Went to my ortho and hips were in good shape.
Golf was an aggravating factor. Consulted a general
surgeon and he diagnosed bilateral inguinal hernias.
Successful laparoscopic repair had me free of symptoms
for a month until I resumed my normal activities!
Got fairly painful with golf until I felt a snap on teeing off and went down on my knees. Long story shortened-
torn adductor tendon relieved the pain and made the diagnosis. Psoriatic arthritis was the real culprit and the
cause in retrospect. Doing well on Humira and the golf course with a caring rheumatologist.
@bebold funny how doctors think they can go by old imaging I had my surgeon that done my fusion and 2 other surgeons look at my I believe was 8 month old MRI and said they wouldn’t do nothing (first surgeon meant it wouldn’t even get me out of a wheelchair to check me ) then about a year later I was referred to Mayo Clinic and they done a CT and found a loose screw (in my back not my head) but still insist leave it alone and put in a spine stimulator