Has anyone experienced pain in groin area?

Posted by francesbwest @fbw2, 2 days ago

Has anyone experienced groin pain on the left leg? I was originally told that this was do to sciatica, and the pressing on nerves.

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@francesbwest Welcome to Mayo Connect, a community of patients and caregivers who share our experiences and try to help one another along the way.

There can be a lot of reasons for groin pain, including sciatica, but that is more typically felt in the buttocks and down the leg. Groin pain can also be a sign of muscle or ligament strain, an indication of a bad hip joint.
Here is a list of possible causes and potential treatments form Cleveland Clinic:
Have you seen a doctor about this issue? If it came on suddenly, it can be a sign of injury, more gradual onset can indicate a wear disorder or inflammatory condition.


francesbwest @fbw2 I have experienced groin pain. My pain is related to a combination of total hip replacement (left hip) and a hysterectomy. So, basically, as was explained to me, my pelvic floor area was rearranged by these two surgeries. As a result, it can happen that I strain the groin area usually on the left side and it hurts for awhile then goes away. I've had pelvic floor physical therapy with recommendations for stretching I can do to help with all of this.

I'll echo @sueinmn and ask if you've seen your doctor about this?


@sueinmn thanks for your response I really appreciate it. First, let me attempt to provide more clarity.
I have been to my doctor, and to the referred specialist. The pain does start in my lower back, goes to the left buttock, down the back of my left thigh, then down the back and side of my left leg. Very painful! Within the last year, it has also went around to my upper thigh/pelvic area ( I believe that's the groin area?) The pain is very strange because it's almost electric,numb, tingling all at the same time. Previous docs said sciatica before the upper thigh/pelvic pain started.
I have different doc now,who is ordering tests so I'm not sure any more??? I do know that it is getting worse and increasing more painful! At times I can't walk on my left side and I feel like screaming from the sudden intense pain.
I hope I provided more information without rambling...lol


francesbwest @fbw2 I have experienced groin pain. My pain is related to a combination of total hip replacement (left hip) and a hysterectomy. So, basically, as was explained to me, my pelvic floor area was rearranged by these two surgeries. As a result, it can happen that I strain the groin area usually on the left side and it hurts for awhile then goes away. I've had pelvic floor physical therapy with recommendations for stretching I can do to help with all of this.

I'll echo @sueinmn and ask if you've seen your doctor about this?

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@naturegirl5 thanks for the reply. Please see my comment. I hope it helps y'all to help me😀


@francesbwest Welcome to Mayo Connect, a community of patients and caregivers who share our experiences and try to help one another along the way.

There can be a lot of reasons for groin pain, including sciatica, but that is more typically felt in the buttocks and down the leg. Groin pain can also be a sign of muscle or ligament strain, an indication of a bad hip joint.
Here is a list of possible causes and potential treatments form Cleveland Clinic:
Have you seen a doctor about this issue? If it came on suddenly, it can be a sign of injury, more gradual onset can indicate a wear disorder or inflammatory condition.

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Finally diagnosed with an MRI. Pain in groin and butt. My labrum is torn in two places (from a fall for me but took 6 months of gaslighting and blowing me off, STILL, for an entire year. It was my PCP that finally ordered the MRI. A hip dr even refused to see me after looking at an older MRI of my spine. YES I have a terrible back but this is my hip I fell on tile and landed on my hip. Nobody would listen. Good luck.

At this point one doctor says I need a hip replacement and one says not. See a 3rd person and whatever he says is right?


Finally diagnosed with an MRI. Pain in groin and butt. My labrum is torn in two places (from a fall for me but took 6 months of gaslighting and blowing me off, STILL, for an entire year. It was my PCP that finally ordered the MRI. A hip dr even refused to see me after looking at an older MRI of my spine. YES I have a terrible back but this is my hip I fell on tile and landed on my hip. Nobody would listen. Good luck.

At this point one doctor says I need a hip replacement and one says not. See a 3rd person and whatever he says is right?

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I am so glad that your primary doctor finally got you the MRI you needed to look at soft tissue injury in your hip. It is very frustrating to be bounced around and specialists who are not willing to properly investigate cause of symptoms through imaging.

I read that they can do a labels tear repair surgery. Have you met with any orthopedic surgeons who are experienced in doing this procedure?


I am so glad that your primary doctor finally got you the MRI you needed to look at soft tissue injury in your hip. It is very frustrating to be bounced around and specialists who are not willing to properly investigate cause of symptoms through imaging.

I read that they can do a labels tear repair surgery. Have you met with any orthopedic surgeons who are experienced in doing this procedure?

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*Labral not labels. Just love that autocorrect. 😉


Hi Frances,

Pain in the groin can be a sign of an arthritic hip. I am 70 years/o and work out everyday, and about a year ago, I felt a minor ache doing some stretches. Very slowly it got worse and I went to the ortho clinic for an evaluation.

The Xray clearly showed there was no cartilage left in the joint. I was really surprised that hip pain would be felt in the groin - until the Dr. politely pointed out that the hip joint lies directly beneath the groin. I felt kinda dumb at that pint.

In a second post, you describe pain in the back of your legs that sounds like the symptoms of sciatica. I've had sciatica twice and always felt the pain in the back of my legs, not my groin.

An Xray would provide enough info to make a decision on a hip replacement (that's what I did). An MRI will provide more detail to see where and how your sciatic nerve is getting pinched.

I hope this helps. And FWIW, hip replacement surgery was easy compared to getting my knees replaced. But in all cases, the replacement surgeries eliminated the pain.

All the best to you.



My physical therapist told my pain in the groin area is a sign of hip issues. When you have pain in your hip , that I can't remember. I later found out I have an autoimmune disease which causes synovitis in the joints especially the hips and lower back at first. I also have osteoporosis at 47. My rheumatologist has me on a good treatment plan and my pain is minimal on most days.


My physical therapist told my pain in the groin area is a sign of hip issues. When you have pain in your hip , that I can't remember. I later found out I have an autoimmune disease which causes synovitis in the joints especially the hips and lower back at first. I also have osteoporosis at 47. My rheumatologist has me on a good treatment plan and my pain is minimal on most days.

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I'm glad you've been able to find some relief Sammy. Osteoporosis at age 47 - that's very young. Is this hereditary? How don the Drs explain it?

All the best.


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