Has anyone experienced Neuromark procedure for excessive nasal mucus

Posted by suzfuse46 @suzfuse46, 4 days ago

I have thick mucus, post nasal drainage in my throat sometimes blocking breathing. There is a procedure, Neuromark where a low radiofrequency ablation is done to tissue within the nose. I have hypertrophy of inferior nasal turbinates and vasomotor rhinitis. Has anyone has had this done, did it help eliminate the over production of mucus?

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Had it done in October. Didn't work. Good is didn't do any harm as of yet. Went in for a touch up last month to see if I get a response. So far nothing. It just got approved last year and is being covered by Insurance. It is the newest technology for PNN and Doc said it was the least invasive of the 3. Not as bad as balloon procedure but recovery was almost as bad but not quite. Your other option is Clarifix which is the oldest using cryotherapy. Second was Rhinaer which is RF ablation. Then NM which is RF but more selective with new tech. The reviews on the others were not great but that's all we got. I suggest doing a trial of Atrovent as if that works the procedure success rate doubles. Lastly is Vivaer. This what my doc suggested and I'm at a point where I'll try anything. Different target and it's for Nasal Valve. That's all I got. I know what you're going through. I started with the newest and latest device in NM thinking better results. So far no dice. It's the Wild Wild West out here. Be careful with who you select! I'm entering a Clinical Trial with a top doc hoping for better care. Let's see...


Thank you ever so much for all the information you commented on. You certainly have experienced several procedures and I'm hoping for you that you will find one that will be a success. This is such an irritating ailment that everyone around me would be happy to see something work let alone myself. I will look into the Atrovent before I jump into having the procedure done. Have you had a mini CT sinus scan?

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