Has anyone experienced Atonic (seizures) while taking Wellbutrin XL?

Posted by Carolyn @aissa2, Oct 18, 2023

Has anyone else experienced atonic (seizures) while taking Wellbutrin XL? I weaned myself off Lexapro which was added to my 150mg of Wellbutrin XL. I was on 150mg of Wellbutrin XL. Since I weaned off Lexapro my physician upped the dosage of Welbutrin XL to 300mg. Without knowing what was going on, I started having episodes where my limbs would freeze, I would fall, unable to use my hands or arms to break my fall. This had been going on for over a year starting one day when I was unable to get out of my car because my limbs wouldn't move. Also, my vision was like that of an old projector with the top half flicking upward. Fast forward to about three weeks ago, I started having not only the episodes previously described regarding the freeze of my limbs, but nausea, and dizziness also. One of my physicians described these as seizures and sure enough in looking it up, it is called atonic. One of the symptoms or side effects of taking Wellbutrin XL is seizures. I share this because this might not be particular to me only. I have discontinued taking the Wellbutrin XL altogether as suggested by a physician assistant. Although she also has put in a referral for a Neurologist, I am still thinking about it. Seizures are subject to preventing one from driving an automobile. I am going to simply, as was done today see what happens due to my discontinuation of Wellbutrin XL. Today was the first day that the symptoms previously mentioned were not felt.

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This sounds a little like cataplexy too. A loss of muscle control, you feel paralyzed. It can range from very mild to severe but almost always comes with Narcolepsy. The fatigue can also range from very mild to severe so it would be hard to say. I've found some medications can make the symptoms of both worse. It's worth looking it up to see if its a possibility too. If it is with medication you shouldn't have issues driving and in many states Dr's aren't required to report it to DMV and usually don't unless it's a severe, not well controlled case even with medication, which is extremely rare.


This sounds a little like cataplexy too. A loss of muscle control, you feel paralyzed. It can range from very mild to severe but almost always comes with Narcolepsy. The fatigue can also range from very mild to severe so it would be hard to say. I've found some medications can make the symptoms of both worse. It's worth looking it up to see if its a possibility too. If it is with medication you shouldn't have issues driving and in many states Dr's aren't required to report it to DMV and usually don't unless it's a severe, not well controlled case even with medication, which is extremely rare.

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Going on day two. So far, I have emptied out my daily medication of Wellbutrin XL with no symptoms experienced. Still, awaiting the physician to respond to my query as to what I am supposed to do because I live with Chronic Depression, P.T.S.D. Anxiety and SAD. I am monitoring my moods more than ever since I know that I have no anti-depressant. No Narcolepsy as one of the symptoms of whatever is going on with me; I am relieved about that not being one of the symptoms. Thank goodness regarding the DMV. I downloaded Uber app, but that would not be among my first to fifth choices for getting me around. I am one who depends on and enjoys immensely my automobile and driving until it is definitely not possible and hopefully well into the future.


Going on day two. So far, I have emptied out my daily medication of Wellbutrin XL with no symptoms experienced. Still, awaiting the physician to respond to my query as to what I am supposed to do because I live with Chronic Depression, P.T.S.D. Anxiety and SAD. I am monitoring my moods more than ever since I know that I have no anti-depressant. No Narcolepsy as one of the symptoms of whatever is going on with me; I am relieved about that not being one of the symptoms. Thank goodness regarding the DMV. I downloaded Uber app, but that would not be among my first to fifth choices for getting me around. I am one who depends on and enjoys immensely my automobile and driving until it is definitely not possible and hopefully well into the future.

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I sure hope you find some answers that will really help you. It's hard to live with so much. I also have treatment resistant depression, severe anxiety disorder, narcolepsy, copd and a bowel disorder Idk what it is other than excruciating and get attacks whenever I'm stressed that last 36hrs to 4 days. I also love driving, especially on the highway and to the beach 180 miles away. I bought a SUV big enough to sleep in a couple of nights at the beach. It's the only time I feel any sense of freedom or peace. I have pillows, blankets, porta potty, lol power pack, fans everything I need to go or if I have to pull off to rest and be as safe as I can be.


I think it is a challenge, but worth trying to work around our ailments. Retired, although I did not envision it being like this, honestly did not envision what retirement would look like. We are Kindred as I too enjoy the journey driving the backroads of NC headed towards the beach. For me, it is the journey itself. I listen to a book on my cellphone during the journey and also music when I would rather sing. The beach is about less than two hours away. Upon arrival, I celebrate with a meal of my favorite food, decadent so it has to be eaten as a splendid treat of arrival. It has been part of my ritual of arrival for the last over twenty years, ending with the most fresh and delicious Apple Pie Ala Mode. Diabetic so it is a real treat for me. I also feel a sense of freedom and peace. As a dear friend of mine described it two days ago upon her arrival to the beach, "It is my happy place." One in which I refuse to give up so easily.


Going on day two. So far, I have emptied out my daily medication of Wellbutrin XL with no symptoms experienced. Still, awaiting the physician to respond to my query as to what I am supposed to do because I live with Chronic Depression, P.T.S.D. Anxiety and SAD. I am monitoring my moods more than ever since I know that I have no anti-depressant. No Narcolepsy as one of the symptoms of whatever is going on with me; I am relieved about that not being one of the symptoms. Thank goodness regarding the DMV. I downloaded Uber app, but that would not be among my first to fifth choices for getting me around. I am one who depends on and enjoys immensely my automobile and driving until it is definitely not possible and hopefully well into the future.

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I had to quit using Lyft and Uber after I realized that it was always going to cost me around $50.00 one way!

I now use a non emergency transportation company that takes me to my doctors and back home. It costs zero dollars. Medicaid pays for it if you qualify for Medicaid which I do.

It’s not Uber or Lyft But there is no fee both ways. It’s called “MTM” . And they are in Rhode Island. It’s the same thing as Uber or Lyft without the fee.


I had the same exact thing happen to me. But was on it a couple of months. My primary could not figure out what caused it. Went to a neurologist and low and behold was taken off of it. It took me 6 months to get back to normal. And almost a year to get my license back. I now investigate every antidepressant. And some of the side effects are scary. This happened about 15 years ago. With there trial of Wellbutrin they stated 1 out of a million have the side effect of it. I hope you feel better soon.


I had the same exact thing happen to me. But was on it a couple of months. My primary could not figure out what caused it. Went to a neurologist and low and behold was taken off of it. It took me 6 months to get back to normal. And almost a year to get my license back. I now investigate every antidepressant. And some of the side effects are scary. This happened about 15 years ago. With there trial of Wellbutrin they stated 1 out of a million have the side effect of it. I hope you feel better soon.

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Very helpful indeed. Thank you. I was on Wellbutrin XL off and on for several years. I can still remember when this all started, nearly a year ago. I was at a car dealer and planning on getting something to eat after I left. I was at the restaurant in the parking lot and could not stand up out of my vehicle. Also, if it sounds familiar, my vision reminded me of that old projector where the top of my vision kept flipping upwards. Thankfully, I was able to drive home on sheer intuition and rote. I subsequently kept falling down after those initial symptoms. Once a fall required twelve stitches to my chin. The falling episodes were scary since they would come on without warning and I could not brace my fall since my arms and legs froze. I would just fall wherever I was standing. I have been to a Neurologist on different occasions due to referrals twice before without proper diagnosis. I have been given another one, but to be honest, I have not taken Wellbutrin XL since October 18th and have not had another episode so far. I agree with you and intend to be more diligent about the meds for mental illness prescribed. The nurse practitioner seen recently instead of my primary physician put in a prescription for Zoloft. Upon checking the side effects, Zoloft also has seizures as one of them so I doubt I will be taking further actions towards fulfilling the prescription at this point. I have an appointment coming up with my primary and will see what she says then.

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