Has anyone damaged their teeth during a seizure
I recently broke off a section my one of my molars and have no memory of it happening. My dentist told I need crowns for that tooth and the one next to it caused by grinding.
Has anyone experienced breaking a tooth during a seizure or experienced other tooth damage?
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Hi, @tonyde - Oh, that is really too bad a section of one of your molars broke off, especially with no memory of it occurring.
I have not had epilepsy or a seizure disorder. I had an incident tripping while stepping out of a boat when I was age two that knocked my front baby teeth up into my gums. When the adult teeth finally came in years later, they had marks on them. I had bonding as a child and then later crowns.
Tagging other members who've talked about epilepsy to see if they've experienced any tooth damage during a seizure, such as @santosha @lizadiane64 @chynex @jakedduck1 @debint @motobee @baa.
Hi Lisa - @lisalucier
Thank you for including me in this conversation. Thankfully, I have not experienced tooth damage during a seizure, I hope others will be able to share and help with some information.
Have a nice day!
Chris (@santosha)
My son did wake up one morning with a dislocated jaw. It was in the beginning before we were able to get him into a neurologist. We are pretty confident he had a seizure and that cause his dislocated jaw. He was 17 when he had a sudden onset and we have no explanation of why.
I'm very sorry to hear your son is going through that. Seizures are bad enough without them starting for an unknown reason and a dislocated jaw. We'll keep him on our prayers.
Luckily, that was in the beginning and because of the aid of the proper meds, he has been seizure free for 14 mos and living on campus at university
@tonyde I myself have not, but I know someone that has. She unfortunately had a severe tonic clonic seizure where she fell on the pavement and broke all the front teeth. Unfortunately, once she got them repaired after extensive surgery, it happened again. This is so gut wrenching, to talk about. However, I unfortunately took a fall after I had a tonic clonic seizure, hitting a glass fireplace, cutting my chin very badly. Unfortunately, seizures are unpredictable and can be so nasty at times, and I think the best thing I can maybe say is, I get an aura prior to either of my types of seizures, and when I had them very bad, I would sit myself down, and away from things that could become hazards, should I fall, or become unconscious, but I learned to listen to my body, where when I felt strange, or off, I would sit down in a safe place, until I felt better. I realize, that this doesnt always work for seizures, as they are unpredictable. I found that getting enough rest, was paramount, and avoiding stressful situations. I would journal as well, to correlate instances of seizures with what I was doing that day, or what was going on. I am incredibly sorry that you have had to experience this. There are many people on this forum, that understand, and have good advice, experiences, and insight to help you. Know that you are never alone, and this is a great place to ask, converse, and share. I have found many incredible things that have helped me in this forum, so always feel that here is a good place to find insight, comfort and knowledge. Sending good vibes!
I realize this is long but it helps to communicate with other people going through the same thing. No one can fully understand the mental and physical impact seizures have on your life unless they're having seizures themself.
I'm really sorry about your fall and your friend losing her teeth. Hurting yourself in a fall increases the stress of everyday life and stress can be a trigger of seizures. I also experience an aura, which is difficult to describe except that something feels off. As we all now, seizures can result in an embarrassing result.
I had a bad seizure in the middle of the night, an ambulance took me to the hospital, I didn't come out of it until 11 a.m. the next day. The hospital took several tests including an MRI, blood and urine samples. My only memory is waking up with a black eye and looking like I was in a fight for days..
My dog has the natural ability to recognize a seizure minutes before it happens, my neurologist "certified" him as my seizure dog. He accompanies me everywhere, including stores and restaurants, primarily because I prefer not to leave him alone in the car.
He always lays under the table in restaurants, one day he crawled in my lap while I was eating, a few seconds later my aura followed, I was able to get to my car before my seizure hit (my wfe drives). We often walk around the block together, I had an aura, took him to take me home, he became "a man with a mission" and rushed home.
He did something interesting recently and I don't know if there's a connection with a seizure. I was at the kitchen table reading email, my dog kept hitting me with his paw, I thought potty time, he didn't follow me to the dog, I thought walk and he didn't come to me with his leash, he insisted I follow him to the family, he sat next to my feet, watching the door until my wife came in the room, then he laid down. We decided to watch a movie, 30 minutes later I had a bad seizure. Was there a connection, maybe I was having small seizures that he recognized and I didn't. I do know I feel better when he's with me.
Hi @tonyde
Seizure dogs can be extremely helpful. I wish I could have one.
Here is a link with more information for those interested:
Have a nice Sunday!
Chris (@santosha)
I increasingly depend on my dog, especially when I'm alone in public.
@tonyde Your absolutely right, on everything that you said. I can well understand every part of your situation. I too, when I have a tonic clonic, have no memory during or after the seizure, only the aura, leading up to the seizure. And yes, it does feel like a fight, or a battle, because you feel zero energy, hurting in places that never knew could hurt, and your brain having no memory. Sometimes it can take days, weeks or longer to recover from the the seizures and the injuries that occur. So, I believe that there is something to say for the seizure dog, I am not entirely aware, how, or what, but I believe that dogs sense something, that even times we cannot or do not. They are so incredibly keen in this aptitude for knowing, and sensing on a deeper level than humans. I do not have a seizure dog, but I remember my dog also, laying at my feet at times when this would occur or she sensed something off with me. They are amazing creatures, that look to protect, love, provide and loyally do this. I am most grateful that you have a seizure dog. I think this would be a wonderful alternative for people who cannot drive, or are home and maybe cannot work, where circumstances leave them by themselves, or if the seizures are most unpredictable where it is difficult to function. I deeply understand this. I am glad that you shared your experience and mentioned the seizure dog, I have never heard of this, but it makes complete sense to me, and I really believe others could benefit from it. Thank you and please take care.