Has anyone anything to comment on regarding medical marijuana?
I am married to a man with peripheral neuropathy (ideopathic). We are so tired of getting our hopes up and then CRASH, they fall down. Have tried so many treatments for neuropathy. I asked our pain doc about medical marijuana, he said, in essence, "sure, you can try it." When I asked if his dad had PN, would he suggest MM? He said "no, because of the side effects that have been reported."
We will pursue this, after we gather lots of information. Anyone have experience in this area?
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Welcome @derf1956, Sorry to hear your husband is struggling to find something to relieve his neuropathy pain. I also have idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy but don't have the pain, just some numbness and tingling. There are quite a few members who have shared their experience with medical marijuana for neuropathy. Here is a link that lists the discussions and comments by members on using medical marijuana for neuropathy - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/?search=medical+marijuana+%2Bneuropathy.
If you haven't already seen the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy website, it contains a lot of helpful information.
-- Living Well with Neuropathy: https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/
-- Treatments: https://www.foundationforpn.org/treatments/
-- Webinars: https://www.foundationforpn.org/resource-library/
I have been using medical-grade Indica edibles for relief from the pain and symptoms of motor and sensory neuropathies for the last ten years or so. It is the only thing that provides relief and allows for restful sleep. I need to take it a couple of hours before I go to bed; otherwise, I can be groggy in the morning. Finding the strain and products that work for me took a while. I haven't experienced any side effects, at least nothing like the side effects from drugs like Cymbalta, gabapentin, or Lyrica. The biggest challenge is not building tolerance. I would love to use it each evening but only take it every third night to avoid building tolerance. When you build tolerance, you must consume more and more for the same effects. Some people avoid tolerance by alternating between Sativa, Indica, smoking, vaping, and edibles. Sativa does not work for me, and Indica edibles are the only thing that provides deep body relief. Then there is the cannabinoid/terpene relationship, but I rely on an herbalist friend who owns a dispensary to do the scientific work for me.
It worked at first than like all the rest quits. Oils with thc and cbd applied worked some also.
I need to sneak in my gummies. My shoulder completely ripped the last of its connectors eight months ago. The gummies work most nights and I'll take any relief that I can get. As long as Politicians continue to belief that election comes with a medical degree, our health system will continue to be one of the worst.
Did it stop working because you built tolerance? If you take cannabis regularly, it will become less and less effective. Taking two days off between doses is often enough to avoid tolerance for most people. This means there are fewer days with the relief it provides, but it also means you will be assured of relief every third day. Some people also alternate strains, using varying strains of Sativa and Indica to avoid tolerance, and some people are micro-dosing to avoid tolerance.
Yes, last week, my wife started medical pot. She has part if her M\back & rear-ends. It will start next week. I can’t use it even I might use it; I’ve take 3 times a day for anti-sezuire meds. Her pain is not good but 4 times a year adds her a shot on in her side. Hopefully, we can help a little better thru this pot-thing.
Guess my pain is just worse. Pain center does not help me at all next month is their last try because it has become a waste of time for me. Have tried a lot of different things in 15 years pulls do not help anymore therapy is also a waste of time.
A couple of suggestions as a friend who senses your feelings. One, try my entry on prayer on this web sight. Two, I think you are ready for some stronger meds. Try to find a doc who will get you some oxycodone or hydrocodone as a regular daily drug. Yes, I know docs are resistant and hard to find. If you have any friends or family in medical jobs ask them to ask around for a name of a doc. Pharmacists know who writes scripts. You have to have tried all the earlier drugs usually prescribed like cymbalta, lyrica, nortriptoline. And maybe tried acupuncture and electrical stimulation. If you have tried all the early stuff with no help, they will probably write for you and monitor you monthly. Good luck. Jeff
I'm so sorry to hear this. You didn't respond about whether or not you built a tolerance to cannabis. Did you? And it won't cut the pain completely for anyone; it just makes things easier. Do you know what is causing your neuropathy? Addressing the underlying cause is super important. Have you cut out the foods that are known to aggravate nerves? Diet and supplementation are second only to addressing the underlying cause. It is super important. The foods that aggravate nerves and can make things 10x worse are gluten, caffeine, alcohol, brown rice, and dairy, as well as highly processed foods and simple carbohydrates. Or do you eat a whole food anti-inflammatory diet? Do you take omega 3s, Co-Q10, Magnesium Glycinate, NAC, R-ALA, 5-HTP, D3, and B12 supplements? Have you had your vitamin levels checked? Or have you been tested for heavy metals?
Hello I have Adhesive Arachnoiditis and I obtained a medical pot license and the edible gummy’s did help but not the way I wanted them to. I want more mobility but the pot just makes me feel lazy so I don’t use it anymore.