Has anyone had surgery for a pinched nerve?

Posted by want2kno @want2kno, Jan 21, 2023

Diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy for 18 years. Not diabetic. Nothing has helped. Now they think i have a pinched nerve. Tried gamapentin, chiropractic treatment etc. Has anyone had surgery for a pinched nerve? Not sure exactly where because insurance won't approve an MRI. But would be near my neck and shoulder. Thank you.

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Hello wantoknow
My first question is where are you having pain? That would be an indication on where they might want to do surgery. I don’t think any type of diagnosis of a pinched nerve should be made until an MRI is completed. Many insurance companies will require physical therapy to be done prior to authorization for an MRI….. I am sure your healthcare provider is familiar with requirements for an MRI to be authorized. Keep us informed


Welcome @want2kno,
You may be interested in these related discussions:
- Looking for relief of Pinched nerve in L4. https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/looking-for-relief-of-pinched-nerve-in-l4/
- Lower back pain due to a pinched nerve: Anything I can do for relief? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/lower-back-pain/
- Having Decompression Hemi Laminectomy and possible Diskectomy: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/having-decompression-hemi-laminectomy-and-possible-diskectomy/

I have the same question as @kimegraves. Where is the pinched nerve? Where is the pain?

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