Grover's Disease

Posted by monalisa809 @monalisa809, Oct 10, 2024

Thank you for having me in your group. I've just been diagnosed by biopsy with Grover's after 6 months from the beginning symptoms. Apparently I'm the first case in my small town clinic. I have some of the common symptoms but also have some symptoms don't seem to match with GD diagnosis, like intensely burning bright red scalp with patchy hair loss, lesions everywhere including in mouth, palms and soles. Also my lesions don't look like the posted pictures that I've found. I'm in the seventh month of symptoms with no sign of remission and the lesions now seem to be more prevalent on my scalp and face. Does anyone else have atypical symptoms? I'm concerned about yet another misdiagnosis, having undergone 6 months of multiple incorrect treatments. Thank you.

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You may have some Grover's where you had the biopsy but the symptoms you've described don't sound like Grover's. I've had Grover's in 2007/2008 and again starting about 3 years ago and have been on a few forums. None of your symptoms sound familiar to me. I know biopsies are a pain (literally) but you need some more. There is also a Facebook forum which seems to have more participants than this one so you might also join it to see if anyone else has any symptoms like yours. Good luck!


itchyrich is on to something, you may have other issues besides GD. Your symtom's are definetly not typical of GD. From blogging I've learned many of us have multiple forms or eczema or other skin diseases. Each has different triggers and yes I've had all 3 of my forms of eczema, including GD, at the same time.

Doctor's often assume you only have one type of eczema and stop searching for answers after getting a positive result for one type. On my own I learned the rashy, itchy ring around my mouth and lining below my eyes was not my Allergic Contact Dermatitis, ACD, and the derm was treating this rash as ACD, but it was Perioral Eczema, PE. The solution for ACD is avoidance of allergic contacts, but if a rash appears they usually prescribe steroid's.

Ironically with PE, which caused the mouth and eye area rash, steroid's fuel this form. I had been prescribed a nasal steroid for my nasal congestion, this was the original trigger. Then my derm prescribed a stronger steroid to control the rash. This was completely incorrect because it caused my PE to explode. I looked like I had circus clown makeup on around my mouth. I had to learn about PE from a blogging site. I discontinued the steroids and it took over a month almost 2 of burning and itching but the rash finally went away, never to return.

Ask for 5 Day Extended Patch Kit Testing if you haven't ruled out ACD already. Make sure your doctor or allergist is licensed for this test, not all are. If not find an allergist or derm that is.
Go to which has a comprehensive collection of photos of skin diseases, that's how I verified my PE after learning about from a blogger.

Send us a photo of the rashes located on your body. Often the shape and size of the papuale, it's pattern or location of the rash is the best way to identify the name of your skin disease. We're a knowledgeable group.

I'm glad you are trying to educate yourself. I was lost 26 years ago, without the use of the internet and simply went along with my derms recommendations while suffering for 10 years. She never recommended patch testing to identify my initial form (she wasn't licensed for it). I never even know there were various forms of eczema. I simply thought eczema was one disease. All she ever did was call my initial hand rash eczema and prescribe me steroids, so my pattern was established. Oh yes she told me to stop washing my hands and wear rubber gloves, turn out I am allergic to most protective gloves only being able to wear vinyl or plastic. The steroids cleared up the hand eczema, only to have the rash return and then I would continue with steroids and the cycle went on my 10 years, only to have my rashes explode all over my body. I had to accidently learn from another doctor's receptionist that I could have testing to figure out what was causing my rashes.

I'm free and have been free for years of all forms of eczema. True I had to change my wardrobe, grooming products, shoes, furniture, mattress, linens, prescriptions, but living pain free is a gift.

My GD treatment- Also you seem to have so much going on I hesitate to mention that detoxing the metals from my body by blending fresh or fresh frozen cilantro daily for at least 2 months and now simply a few times a month did to put my GD in remission. I've been GD free now since the middle of 2019. This seems to work for about 40% of us and it's worth a try. You can start a discussion and get current info from others about GD and cilantro. I learned about this treament on a Mayo discussion from Kimass1 back in middle Feb 2019. I will be eternally grateful to her for sharing. she learned about from an earthclinic site. Heavy metals have also been tied to Parkinson's (which my brother died of), Alzeheimer's (which also runs in my family) and Grover's Disease, so I figure the heavy metal detox is a good for me personally.

So keep searching for answers and definately get different opinions for various derms before you accept livng in misery for the rest of your life.


Thanks Gardeningjunkie and Itchierich for reaching out. It helps to know others have been there and lived through it! For me it all started last March when I adopted a long haired shelter kitten. Two days into it I realized it had ringworm which the vet treated, and the next two days after I started over the counter treatment for myself I broke out head to toe with GD, or whatever it is. The rest is history. I've been prescribed oral and topical fungal meds, steroid and non steroid creams, medicated soap and shampoo, etc.. Non of which help at all. I've been taking Benadryl which cuts down the burning scalp so I can sleep. I'll try all you've suggested (I love cilantro - making birria tacos today) and will get some pics to you shortly. They don't show up very well in pics. They remind me of the small pox vaccination scar I have; 1/4 to 1/2 inch round or oval-ish and concave with a tiny bit of a ridge. They often form in clusters which look like a large lesion, but it's really multiple small ones. I'm going to next. Thanks again so much.


Thanks Gardeningjunkie and Itchierich for reaching out. It helps to know others have been there and lived through it! For me it all started last March when I adopted a long haired shelter kitten. Two days into it I realized it had ringworm which the vet treated, and the next two days after I started over the counter treatment for myself I broke out head to toe with GD, or whatever it is. The rest is history. I've been prescribed oral and topical fungal meds, steroid and non steroid creams, medicated soap and shampoo, etc.. Non of which help at all. I've been taking Benadryl which cuts down the burning scalp so I can sleep. I'll try all you've suggested (I love cilantro - making birria tacos today) and will get some pics to you shortly. They don't show up very well in pics. They remind me of the small pox vaccination scar I have; 1/4 to 1/2 inch round or oval-ish and concave with a tiny bit of a ridge. They often form in clusters which look like a large lesion, but it's really multiple small ones. I'm going to next. Thanks again so much.

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I have only a few topicals, whether it's a grooming product or prescription that I can safely use. Lotion's and creams often contain preservatives I am allergic to. Ointments are often safer because they more often don't contain preservatives I react to.
You need to start researching every product you put on your body. Make a list of all active and inactive ingredients and go to the internet and learn what each ingredient is. You will see chemical names that are long and you have no idea what they are. Also don't assume because the ingredient is a natural substance like cinnamon or rubber it's safe.
A good site for this info is the EWG Data Base. It could be what is being prescribed is fueling your old rash or cause new ones.


itchyrich is on to something, you may have other issues besides GD. Your symtom's are definetly not typical of GD. From blogging I've learned many of us have multiple forms or eczema or other skin diseases. Each has different triggers and yes I've had all 3 of my forms of eczema, including GD, at the same time.

Doctor's often assume you only have one type of eczema and stop searching for answers after getting a positive result for one type. On my own I learned the rashy, itchy ring around my mouth and lining below my eyes was not my Allergic Contact Dermatitis, ACD, and the derm was treating this rash as ACD, but it was Perioral Eczema, PE. The solution for ACD is avoidance of allergic contacts, but if a rash appears they usually prescribe steroid's.

Ironically with PE, which caused the mouth and eye area rash, steroid's fuel this form. I had been prescribed a nasal steroid for my nasal congestion, this was the original trigger. Then my derm prescribed a stronger steroid to control the rash. This was completely incorrect because it caused my PE to explode. I looked like I had circus clown makeup on around my mouth. I had to learn about PE from a blogging site. I discontinued the steroids and it took over a month almost 2 of burning and itching but the rash finally went away, never to return.

Ask for 5 Day Extended Patch Kit Testing if you haven't ruled out ACD already. Make sure your doctor or allergist is licensed for this test, not all are. If not find an allergist or derm that is.
Go to which has a comprehensive collection of photos of skin diseases, that's how I verified my PE after learning about from a blogger.

Send us a photo of the rashes located on your body. Often the shape and size of the papuale, it's pattern or location of the rash is the best way to identify the name of your skin disease. We're a knowledgeable group.

I'm glad you are trying to educate yourself. I was lost 26 years ago, without the use of the internet and simply went along with my derms recommendations while suffering for 10 years. She never recommended patch testing to identify my initial form (she wasn't licensed for it). I never even know there were various forms of eczema. I simply thought eczema was one disease. All she ever did was call my initial hand rash eczema and prescribe me steroids, so my pattern was established. Oh yes she told me to stop washing my hands and wear rubber gloves, turn out I am allergic to most protective gloves only being able to wear vinyl or plastic. The steroids cleared up the hand eczema, only to have the rash return and then I would continue with steroids and the cycle went on my 10 years, only to have my rashes explode all over my body. I had to accidently learn from another doctor's receptionist that I could have testing to figure out what was causing my rashes.

I'm free and have been free for years of all forms of eczema. True I had to change my wardrobe, grooming products, shoes, furniture, mattress, linens, prescriptions, but living pain free is a gift.

My GD treatment- Also you seem to have so much going on I hesitate to mention that detoxing the metals from my body by blending fresh or fresh frozen cilantro daily for at least 2 months and now simply a few times a month did to put my GD in remission. I've been GD free now since the middle of 2019. This seems to work for about 40% of us and it's worth a try. You can start a discussion and get current info from others about GD and cilantro. I learned about this treament on a Mayo discussion from Kimass1 back in middle Feb 2019. I will be eternally grateful to her for sharing. she learned about from an earthclinic site. Heavy metals have also been tied to Parkinson's (which my brother died of), Alzeheimer's (which also runs in my family) and Grover's Disease, so I figure the heavy metal detox is a good for me personally.

So keep searching for answers and definately get different opinions for various derms before you accept livng in misery for the rest of your life.

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Has anyone had trouble after eating food with cinnamon? Apple pies pumpkin pies sweet potato pie? I react bad to all of these! I recently read that cinnamon may be contaminated with lead.


My 5-Day Extended Patch Test showed me positive for a cinnamon allergy. Many hair and grooming products I previously used contain cinnamon. It's named cinnamic in the grooming products. Now I avoid cinnamon all year long in both grooming and food products, except at Thanksgiving and I treat myself to pumpkin pie I make with 1/4 the normal amount in Libby's pie recipe. I have no noticable reaction.
In the last few years I get a headache from Christmas candles, scented strongly of cinnamon are burned. I have to leave the area.
Best to be tested but If you have not been tested just avoid cinnamon.
I'm curious about the lead tie in and will that research on the internet.

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