Greenlight laser PVP surgery

Posted by MarkMD1112 @mahmudhasan, Jul 14, 2023

Has anyone had Greenlight laser PVP (photosynthetic vaporization of prostate) surgery for bladder neck obstruction? If so, (1) when did you have it?, (2) what was your experience in the short term (up to 6 months) after surgery? and (3) what has been your experience after the first 6 months? Any candid comments, insights, and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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I had the GreenLight Laser Dec/2022. Short term.....I was able to pass urine for about 4-5 weeks, but flow continued to be slower, slower and slower. I ended up returning to Urology who did a scan of my bladder ( Crypto something, not sure what it is called.) Urology says my passage was no fully opened. The neck was open, but further down was still narrowed. The Green Light can only go so far in the urinary tract. Urology is scheduling me for Hotep (?) to open the passageway. With the GreenLight clearing the upper neck opening, and the Hotep cleaning the rest of the canal, I think this is the way to go.


Maybe choose HoLEP first?

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