Gratitude: Today, I'm grateful for...

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jul 2, 2023

Studies have found that expressing daily gratitude improves both physical and emotional well-being. It helps us focus on what is good in our lives, the world and others. It also helps us find the silver lining in our challenges. Gratitude turns what we already have into enough. Gratitude brings us joy. I’d love it if you can share something you’re grateful for today. I’ll start.

I’m grateful I have both the ability and luxury of taking long daily gratitude walks through the beautiful nature that surrounds my home.

I’ll take you through my typical walk:

When I open my front door to leave, I’m usually greeted by a few adorable squirrels, three crow friends, juncos and wrens who all hope for a walnut treat before I go. My walk along the creek down the street brings me peace with a variety of 100-foot trees, flowers of every shape and color, grass, fascinating wildlife, sounds of a babbling brook, birds calling, squirrels chasing, etc. Each day, I also see bunnies, ducks with ducklings, egrets, lizards, turtles, a variety of small birds, butterflies, and sometimes coyotes and hawks.

I meet new people along the way as we share our love of nature. I am also greeted by their happy, adorable dogs. Sometimes I learn something new. Sometimes I feel like I was able to bring joy to someone by letting them know they are worth a few minutes of my time. That brings me joy. Half the people in my large retirement community live alone as I do. Today, I met a lovely 96-year-old woman who walks a half mile with her cane and sweet rescue poodle every day. Impressive! She didn’t look a day over 80. I never miss an opportunity to smile and say hello to everyone who passes by. When I arrive home after an hour or so, some of my wildlife buddies are usually there to welcome me back with the enthusiasm of a dog.

When my last dog went to Heaven a few months ago, my camera became my new walking companion. Once I’m home, it’s time to upload my latest nature photos. I relive my walk all over again through the eyes of a zoom lens and a 32” monitor that together reveal extraordinary colors, patterns, textures and wildlife expressions the naked eye can’t see. I’m sharing a few pix from today. Can’t wait to go again tomorrow! 🙂

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My gratitude today is for more earthly things -
Air conditioning and the resources to use it during these deadly hot days and nights

The public servants who keep us all safe - the many law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMS workers, ER and other hospital workers, highway and road workers, and utility company employees who work day and night, no matter the weather, to keep us safe.

The teachers, PARAs, social workers, counselors, nurses, coaches, custodians, bus drivers, administrators and volunteers who educate and love our children, building the next generation. Many work for far longer hours than contracted, take classes on their own dime, and spend their evenings, weekends and summers brainstorming how to do the best job they can for the kids they love - even if they could make more money elsewhere.

Those who care for the ill, the elderly, the poor and the homeless. They do near-impossible jobs in difficult to dire conditions, for low or no pay.

The many retail and service employees who work hard for low wages, including on weekends and holidays, to make our lives easier and more convenient.

Colleen, Amanda, and Justin who toil long hours behind the scenes to keep Mayo Connect a safe and welcoming support group for all of us. The many volunteer mentors who give of their time and expertise to keep discussions moving along.

And all of our members, who contribute their own stories, experiences and suggestions to make this an awesome support community.


We all have struggles; some seem very hard to accept; some are trivial when compared to so many others who suffer far more than we do! I am learning that our pains, disappointments and heartaches are supposed to help us grow. God does NOT make mistakes! So, I am especially grateful for this beautiful world He has given us to enjoy!

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My buddy in the army shared advise from his father: “If you put your problems in a hat along with every-other problem in the world you will ask for your problem back”!


I am thankful for hospice. I recently had health issues, and was unable to care for my wife, who is in hospice here at home. She was able to go a hospice house for a respite. It was a very nice place. That allowed me time to heal a little. We both needed a break from everything. Very grateful. I'm grateful she is back now. 🙏🙏❤️🙂

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Thank you @bf99
My Wife passed on August 3rd. I was blessed to have her in my life for 34


Thank you @bf99
My Wife passed on August 3rd. I was blessed to have her in my life for 34

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I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. She was also lucky to have you by her side for so many years. 🙏🏻❤️


I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. She was also lucky to have you by her side for so many years. 🙏🏻❤️

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Thank you, that means a lot.


Thank you @bf99
My Wife passed on August 3rd. I was blessed to have her in my life for 34

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Thank you @mercuryrose


Thank you @bf99
My Wife passed on August 3rd. I was blessed to have her in my life for 34

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Thank you for the hug.


Thank you @bf99
My Wife passed on August 3rd. I was blessed to have her in my life for 34

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@migizii Thank you for the hug.


Thank you, that means a lot.

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Thank you for the hug.


I am thankful for hospice. I recently had health issues, and was unable to care for my wife, who is in hospice here at home. She was able to go a hospice house for a respite. It was a very nice place. That allowed me time to heal a little. We both needed a break from everything. Very grateful. I'm grateful she is back now. 🙏🙏❤️🙂

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Many blessings to all of you. I am so grateful that l can walk today. I am thankful for the cloudy skies and cool breeze. Eternally grateful for my beautiful daughters, my and for my four-legged companions, my life. I'm grateful that my husband died in my arms, he was not alone.

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