Gleason 8 - Surgery scheduled in early Sept - timing ok?

Posted by undetectable @undetectable, Aug 1, 2023

My husband (71, active) was diagnosed June 16, Gleason 8, PSA 8, 9/18 positive cores, four 4+4. PSMA PET is clear. He is scheduled to have surgery on Sept 7 but is on a waitlist to have it done sooner. He's psychologically comfortable with this wait time - should we push for an earlier date because of the aggressive nature of the cancer?

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All contained within the prostate, negative margins and negative lymph nodes

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Congrats - So happy for you. Maybe good luck that it was your wife's birthday. How are your side effects?


Congrats - So happy for you. Maybe good luck that it was your wife's birthday. How are your side effects?

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Still dealing with incontinence, although it is slowly getting better (Kegals Kegals and more Kegals!) but ED is still in full swing (pun intended). Then again, I'm told that part usually takes longer to recover

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