Gleason 3+3 to Gleason 4+5 in 7 months.
The lesion sample from the 3/2024 mpMRI fused biopsy was read as Gleason 3+3. After detailed option discussions, both the urology surgeon and radiation oncologist strongly recommended the monitoring option. A 12/2024 confirmatory biopsy samples showed a substantial aggressiveness upgrade to Gleason scores of 4+5 and 3+4. That was devastating to say the least.
With a subsequent 12/23/2024 PET CT PSMA scan, I was told I was lucky that there wasn’t any evidence the cancer had spread beyond the prostate (yet). I had played the odds by electing to monitor and I rolled snake eyes. I just want it out now, ASAP. I believe things can get worse and my option less promising very soon. I have an earliest available appointment with my surgeon on 1/17/2025.
As such and concurrently, I fly to Rochester this coming Tuesday 1/7/2015 to get an assessment and recommendation by the MAYO Clinic. I feel a second opinion by a top institution is justified given the aggressiveness. I have an appointment with Dr. Tollefson I believe is a surgeon.
Some questions I have:
1. Is RP now the best option. It seem having it completely removed now is best.
2. Should I also see a radiation oncologist while at MAYO just in case there are good radiation options I should consider? They only scheduled me for the one surgeon appointment.
3. Is there something I should take, avoid or do in the meantime for the cancer’s aggressive character? Shouldn’t we be trying to determine more about the cancer’s DNA and character?
4. Is my extreme urgency justified (based on Gleason 6 to 9 in 7 mos.)? I just feel it’s not long before it metastasizes.
Thank you for listening and your comments.
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Thanks for all the good comments and leads!
Thank you