Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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Pantaprzole is a PPI. I'm pain free all day with no symptoms. After every EGD I'm told I have chronic gastritis. It just won't go away.

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That's great that you have no symptoms. How long did you have symptoms before you got I under control? I am 3 months with constant dull ache in abdomen. I was diagnosed with type C gastritis (reactive gastropothy broadly from taking NSAID). Thanks for your comments. It gives me hope. I am very tired of taking Omeprazole and believe it causes me fatigue and maybe even some of the stomach pain.


That's great that you have no symptoms. How long did you have symptoms before you got I under control? I am 3 months with constant dull ache in abdomen. I was diagnosed with type C gastritis (reactive gastropothy broadly from taking NSAID). Thanks for your comments. It gives me hope. I am very tired of taking Omeprazole and believe it causes me fatigue and maybe even some of the stomach pain.

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I had internal bleeding from taking too much Motrin. I ended up in the hospital and they cauterized my small intestine. Then they told me I had Gerd and Barretts and to change my diet and take pantaprazole.
Before that I was having stomach pain at night waking me up. After a few months of healing I felt back to normal but am always told I have chronic gastritis after my yearly EGD. There was no sign of Barretts after my last EGD. Try changing PPI's.


Here are a few tips that I use and might help you feel better,
No eating 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Low acid diet, no fried fatty foods.
No soda or booze. Drink lots of water.
I also drink unsweetened almond milk which is healthy for you. Non dairy and alkaline.
I drink 2 cups of low acid coffee in the morning. Healthwise brand.
No citrus. No junk food.


I had internal bleeding from taking too much Motrin. I ended up in the hospital and they cauterized my small intestine. Then they told me I had Gerd and Barretts and to change my diet and take pantaprazole.
Before that I was having stomach pain at night waking me up. After a few months of healing I felt back to normal but am always told I have chronic gastritis after my yearly EGD. There was no sign of Barretts after my last EGD. Try changing PPI's.

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Thanks. My primary doc agreed going down to 20 mg. from 40 mg. per day would be ok and I have been pretty good since doing so 3 days ago. We will see. Thanks again for your sharing your success story.


Just out of curiosity, how much Motrin/nsaids were you guys taking?


I have chronic gastritis and Esphogitis, Class B GERD and a small Hiatal Hernia . I belch over 3000 x a day/ night . I eat so healthy and avoid all trigger foods . The constant non stop churning in my gut and deep wet burps cause fatigue and sometimes kick up my heart palps .
Ive tried everything RX wise , PPI , holistic approaches , elimination diets . Seen 5 Gastro Dr’s , had every test run / still here I am 7.5 years later now taking antidepressant and anxiety med( as needed ). It’s ruined my life for most of my 50s . I have televisit w/ Gastro Dr at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville in September .
So far I’m a medical mystery, and I hate it . I live in Ultra Pepto daily . I would wean off the PPI @nightingale1998 . If anyone else is going through what I am , can you let me know ? I’m desperate!! Thanks Rosemary

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I read your post about your "medical mystery" and I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with this problem for such a long time. I can imagine your frustration!

I am glad to hear that you have a tele-visit with a GI doctor at Mayo. Mayo Clinic is known for its diagnostic ability and I hope that you find some information and help there.

I just have one other thought: Have you looked into allergies? For example, did you start any new meds around the time that this problem started? Do you have any known food allergies?

I'm also wondering if there are any days when the burping is better than others? Is it the same during the day and during the night?


Just out of curiosity, how much Motrin/nsaids were you guys taking?

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I would take no more than three pills at a time (200 mg. each pill) up to 4 time a day. I tried to alternate with Tylenol. This was over the course of about a month. So at most, 3200 mg. per day which is about the max recommended to reduce inflammation..



I read your post about your "medical mystery" and I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with this problem for such a long time. I can imagine your frustration!

I am glad to hear that you have a tele-visit with a GI doctor at Mayo. Mayo Clinic is known for its diagnostic ability and I hope that you find some information and help there.

I just have one other thought: Have you looked into allergies? For example, did you start any new meds around the time that this problem started? Do you have any known food allergies?

I'm also wondering if there are any days when the burping is better than others? Is it the same during the day and during the night?

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I’ve been food allergy tested and also tested for SIBO and H pylori 2-3 x . Plus many, many ,many other tests . Burping is same in day or night . I didn’t start any new meds when this started in 2013 . My gut is always churning and I do have IBS symptoms for years . The 1000’s of deep wet belching is so horrible. I can’t eat anything that doesn’t upset my gut and intestines. I take something to help sleep but as soon as my eyes open it starts so up badly . I’ve tried everything holistic including 3 sessions of hypnosis therapy ( which I found out , I can’t be hypnotized).!! I sure hope this Dr. thinks outside the box and can help me get my life back . Thanks @hopeful33250 .


I was taking around 8 Motrin a day. I will never take it or aspirin again. My hemoglobin dropped to 7 with internal bleeding and my heart started to pound out of my chest.


I’ve been food allergy tested and also tested for SIBO and H pylori 2-3 x . Plus many, many ,many other tests . Burping is same in day or night . I didn’t start any new meds when this started in 2013 . My gut is always churning and I do have IBS symptoms for years . The 1000’s of deep wet belching is so horrible. I can’t eat anything that doesn’t upset my gut and intestines. I take something to help sleep but as soon as my eyes open it starts so up badly . I’ve tried everything holistic including 3 sessions of hypnosis therapy ( which I found out , I can’t be hypnotized).!! I sure hope this Dr. thinks outside the box and can help me get my life back . Thanks @hopeful33250 .

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@rozy288 I hope you keep in touch with Connect and I hope you get answers and some treatment options. Will you post again after your September Mayo Clinic tele-health appointment?

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