Posted by mike ks @mikeks, Nov 14, 2011

I have had heartburn once in awhile. Now 4 years ago, it got really bad. I was getting it all day long. Went to my family doctor and he started me on nexium. didn't make any difference so i went back a month later. He said take it twice a day, 1 morning and 1 night. month later nothing changed. Sent me to a gastro. He didn't do much different. Change brands of proton pump pills and over the counter pills. He had me doing different combos of proton pump pills along with different over the counter pills. Finally it stop acting up during the day put not at night. this is my biggest complaint now. Went to 2 other gastro doctors and they want to do the same thing. Nothing stops the stomack "Pain" at night. Even when I don't eat supper, I still have pain around 4am. My family doctor sent me to mayo. I went there with a good attitude hopping to get some answers. They did the upper scope and put me on the Bravo test. It came back positive, well "DA" no news there. So they have me on Zegerid prescription strength and Dexilant. Well guess what, nothing changed. I guess I'll call again and get a different pill. I don't think that is the problem at night but they think it is. Any body else having this problem at night with no relief. Just wondering.


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have you tried food allergies? I hate that there is such inconsistent care and heavy use of pills to mask symptoms. Even at Mayo? That is distressing. Have you tried eliminating wheat and dairy, and taking a probiotic?


have you tried food allergies? I hate that there is such inconsistent care and heavy use of pills to mask symptoms. Even at Mayo? That is distressing. Have you tried eliminating wheat and dairy, and taking a probiotic?

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Well something strange happened. My sister was diagnosed with colites. I told the mayo doctor and he just went on with his routine about certain foods to avoid. My wife and sister think i should be tested just to make sure. All the gastro doctors say that its not causing my troubles. Maybe i should start trying other ways to see if anything changes.


Try Doterra essential oils.


Try Doterra essential oils.

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Ginger in a capsule and lemon. Check out their site online


I've been having the burning around 4am for over 10 years now. Seen 3 gastro doc's, all say the same, take tee's pills. Went to Mayo in Rochester, same outcome with them. I don't eat anything fried food, no spicy food and no tomatoes-ketchup sauces. Just taking one generic pepsid ac at bedtime. They say I have barretts esophagus. I kind of think i also have bile reflux.


I've been having the burning around 4am for over 10 years now. Seen 3 gastro doc's, all say the same, take tee's pills. Went to Mayo in Rochester, same outcome with them. I don't eat anything fried food, no spicy food and no tomatoes-ketchup sauces. Just taking one generic pepsid ac at bedtime. They say I have barretts esophagus. I kind of think i also have bile reflux.

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If you have Barrett's esophagus you should not ignore this because it could become cancer. You should be doing regular monitoring to check your situation. You need to treat it with more medication (a PPI if the pepcid is not enough) or surgery if the other efforts you've made have not helped. They should tell you if you have a hiatal hernia, or other reason for the GERD.
If you haven't already done so, sleep on wedge (and/or raising feet of head of bed), no caffeine, no chocolate, don't eat 3-4 hours before bed, take probiotics, exercise, stretch, sit straight, chew food well, and more... I don't know how one treats bile reflux, so ask the doctor. For either type of reflux, you can use gaviscon advance (the one with alginate) after meals, and before bedtime. It creates a barrier above the stomach to protect the esophagus. (After you take that you don't drink because that ruins the barrier) Don't carry heavy items.


Hi Mike,
I been through this for 24 years. 4 surgeries (nissen fundoplications 3) Rny gastric bypass 21 days ago. I been on all the drugs u mentioned. The doctors were only trying to help but nothing did. I stayed on PPI's all those years.
Mike, it's a hard disease to monitor and diagnose. And throwing pills at it don't work. Changing diet, sleeping upright, nothing.
Find a doctor who actually cares about your condition....and has patients with this particular diagnosis. I have had great results at Mayo Jacksonville. Good luck I'm with u Brother


Yes. Nothing working for me either. Can't keep weight on. GERD almost every night. I'm taking it all. PPI 2 x day, digestive enzymes, pro biotics...wedge pillow, don't eat after 5. Anyone have any thots or advice 🤪


I was diagnosed with Barrett's in 2018. I was put on a PPI and told low acid diet which I followed very strictly. No booze, no soda or carbonated drinks, only water, 9.5 ph water, and unsweetened almond milk which is alkaline. NO Citrus, No limes, lemons, No apple cider vinegar, all of these will scorch the BE tissue and make it worse. No vinegar products, No Italian, No Mexican foods. Eat steamed chicken breast with green veggies. Avoid mint, chocolate. No eating 3-4hrs before bedtime. Exercise daily. I drank Healthwise low acid coffee, only 2 cups in the morning. On my last 2 scopes the Barrett's is now gone. I was very happy to hear this because in 2018 I was told the BE looked very bad. Buy the book The acid watchers diet. That's all I can say about my BE. Hope this helps you get rid of it.


I've been having the burning around 4am for over 10 years now. Seen 3 gastro doc's, all say the same, take tee's pills. Went to Mayo in Rochester, same outcome with them. I don't eat anything fried food, no spicy food and no tomatoes-ketchup sauces. Just taking one generic pepsid ac at bedtime. They say I have barretts esophagus. I kind of think i also have bile reflux.

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I’m not sure why these doctors are not offering any more help than you’re getting?? The doctors that only want to prescribe are really annoying! Have you had an endoscopy? The test sounds scary, but it’s not. It’s actually very easy and requires no prep (Unlike the colonoscopy I had at the same time😳) it should be able to tell you why you are having this ongoing grievous problem! I got medication after only four months of what you described. I don’t know how you’ve dealt with it for 10 years! Don’t give up! There is a doctor out there that will help you as there is obviously something more to be dealt with. You just have to find them. Good luck, and please keep us updated on your journey. If you’ve never had this type of problem, it may sound like ‘only heartburn’. But eventually, it robs you of sleep, quality of life and can be truly debilitating.

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