GERD and Gastritis...... Lost in what to do now: Ideas?

Posted by mikejjb123 @mikejjb123, Feb 17, 2023

Thanks in advance to all. Well I have had GERD and GASTRITIS with chronic nausea for 4 years. Was taking Dexilant 60 mg once a day. Now taking Dexilant 30 mg twice a day. Doing this for a month now. In the beginning was sweating at night like crazy, but no nausea. Now not sweating at night but have chronic nausea. Doctors say they can't do anything for me. Help? Thanks again.

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Thanks. What is DGL?

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Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice


Dexilant has some bad side effects including nausea and vomiting. My doctor tried me on it for about 3 months years ago, but it didn't help my GERD or chronic gastritis. Are you on PPIs like omeprazole or H2 blockers like famotidine? I'm on 40mg omeprazole twice a day, and 20mg famotidine twice a day. I also take calcium carbonate antacids and alginic acid. I still have breakthrough reflux.

My previous gastro told me there was nothing more he could do to help me. My new gastro says surgery (fundoplication or myotomy) may possibly help, and we'll be discussing that at my next appointment, although both he and I think it may cause more problems than it solves.

I'm not giving up yet. Thinking of trying DGL again.

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I wish you good luck. Omeprazole was constipating for me.


Dexilant has some bad side effects including nausea and vomiting. My doctor tried me on it for about 3 months years ago, but it didn't help my GERD or chronic gastritis. Are you on PPIs like omeprazole or H2 blockers like famotidine? I'm on 40mg omeprazole twice a day, and 20mg famotidine twice a day. I also take calcium carbonate antacids and alginic acid. I still have breakthrough reflux.

My previous gastro told me there was nothing more he could do to help me. My new gastro says surgery (fundoplication or myotomy) may possibly help, and we'll be discussing that at my next appointment, although both he and I think it may cause more problems than it solves.

I'm not giving up yet. Thinking of trying DGL again.

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I suggest reading the Acid Watchers Diet by Dr. Aviv, not eating anything three to four hours before bedtime, walking daily for exercise..I would think hard and clear before doing surgery. My husband had it and he developed gastroparesis afterwards because we think the vagus nerve was damaged during surgery. He has lost 17pounds and he cannot gain weight. I wish you good luck and hope you talk to your doctor about what you can expect after the fundaplication.


I suggest reading the Acid Watchers Diet by Dr. Aviv, not eating anything three to four hours before bedtime, walking daily for exercise..I would think hard and clear before doing surgery. My husband had it and he developed gastroparesis afterwards because we think the vagus nerve was damaged during surgery. He has lost 17pounds and he cannot gain weight. I wish you good luck and hope you talk to your doctor about what you can expect after the fundaplication.

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I have a rare esophageal disorder in addition to GERD, and my diet is far stricter than the acid watchers diet. Most days I only have lunch, and nothing to eat afterwards. If I do have dinner it's plain cream of wheat, plain rice, or a plain potato. I would love to do daily walks, but I'm unable to due to my disabilities, so I do chair yoga every day, and swim laps every day the weather is warm.


I wish you good luck. Omeprazole was constipating for me.

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Thank you!


Iam trying to get off Dexilant been on it 3 years and I started getting sick last year with nausea and terrible gas My doctor has not suggested any thing else


Thanks. What is DGL?

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DGL is deglycyrrhizinated licorice root you take 20 min before food I take400 mgs say on bottle protects stomach lining by stimulating mucous formation and secretion Helps relieve conditions of the gastrointestinal tract (demulcent )Helps with abdominal pain and burning sensation in stomach consult a health care practioner if symptons persist or worsen I am trying to get off Dexilant you can buy at a heath food store or google it on line to were to buy it as it is a natural product hope this will be a help to you I think it takes a while to see full effects as it is not a drug


DGL is deglycyrrhizinated licorice root you take 20 min before food I take400 mgs say on bottle protects stomach lining by stimulating mucous formation and secretion Helps relieve conditions of the gastrointestinal tract (demulcent )Helps with abdominal pain and burning sensation in stomach consult a health care practioner if symptons persist or worsen I am trying to get off Dexilant you can buy at a heath food store or google it on line to were to buy it as it is a natural product hope this will be a help to you I think it takes a while to see full effects as it is not a drug

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thanks again much appreciated

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