GERD and Gastritis...... Lost in what to do now: Ideas?

Posted by mikejjb123 @mikejjb123, Feb 17, 2023

Thanks in advance to all. Well I have had GERD and GASTRITIS with chronic nausea for 4 years. Was taking Dexilant 60 mg once a day. Now taking Dexilant 30 mg twice a day. Doing this for a month now. In the beginning was sweating at night like crazy, but no nausea. Now not sweating at night but have chronic nausea. Doctors say they can't do anything for me. Help? Thanks again.

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Are on a strict low acid diet? Are you overweight? Are you a drinker? I don’t know if you ever can get rid of gastritis. I have chronic gastritis that won’t go away. Do you stop eating 3-4 hours before bedtime?


I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble my friend I've had gerd for several years I also have neuropathy and diabetes of course are you following the instructions as far as not ingesting chocolate or coffee or bread paste or any of the things that they warn you against have you tried blueberries and avocados and some of the foods that they recommend for people with diabetes or people with stomach problems I found that they are seem to be helpful to me I've gotten my A1C down from 6.4 to 6.1 just here recently coffee still seems to be too much acid for me and causes some problems


I had gastritis that kept recurring plus GERD. It’s difficult to live with and difficult to diagnose and treat. Have you been tested for what is causing the gastritis that induces the GERD? It could be an infection, a fungus, a parasite, yeast or mold possibly.
Dietary changes are a must as suggested-low acid coffee, no alcohol, nothing spicy plus experimenting on your own with foods and eliminating some things for a period of time to see if you feel better. I eliminated sugar, gluten and dairy for two weeks and started feeling better after 3 endoscopies. I later was tested and found to have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, gluten intolerant, and mold. It takes time to find a doctor who can test and treat.
I wish you the best in getting answers and getting back to better health.


Are on a strict low acid diet? Are you overweight? Are you a drinker? I don’t know if you ever can get rid of gastritis. I have chronic gastritis that won’t go away. Do you stop eating 3-4 hours before bedtime?

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Being a diabetic I found that small portions and also not eating before bedtime as mentioned three or four hours so many medical people have told me that also red paste deep fried foods all these things have to be given up or cut way back on sugar and salt caffeine all are stimulants to the digestive system I know from drinking coffee that it affects me almost immediately I've been told not to drink coffee and I haven't been able to give it up yet I'm addicted to it it helps me feel better in the morning especially since I have so many aches and pains and degenerative disc and neuropathy from my diabetes I take 1800 mg of Gabapentin every day but when I wake up in the morning I'm very stiff and achy in the coffee helps that a lot


Are on a strict low acid diet? Are you overweight? Are you a drinker? I don’t know if you ever can get rid of gastritis. I have chronic gastritis that won’t go away. Do you stop eating 3-4 hours before bedtime?

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Thanks. I am not on a strict acid diet. Yes I eat 2 hours or less before sleeping.


Being a diabetic I found that small portions and also not eating before bedtime as mentioned three or four hours so many medical people have told me that also red paste deep fried foods all these things have to be given up or cut way back on sugar and salt caffeine all are stimulants to the digestive system I know from drinking coffee that it affects me almost immediately I've been told not to drink coffee and I haven't been able to give it up yet I'm addicted to it it helps me feel better in the morning especially since I have so many aches and pains and degenerative disc and neuropathy from my diabetes I take 1800 mg of Gabapentin every day but when I wake up in the morning I'm very stiff and achy in the coffee helps that a lot

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Thanks. I don't drink coffee. no caffeine either.


Have you tried seeing a naturopath or functional dr that specialize in gastro issues?


Dexilant has some bad side effects including nausea and vomiting. My doctor tried me on it for about 3 months years ago, but it didn't help my GERD or chronic gastritis. Are you on PPIs like omeprazole or H2 blockers like famotidine? I'm on 40mg omeprazole twice a day, and 20mg famotidine twice a day. I also take calcium carbonate antacids and alginic acid. I still have breakthrough reflux.

My previous gastro told me there was nothing more he could do to help me. My new gastro says surgery (fundoplication or myotomy) may possibly help, and we'll be discussing that at my next appointment, although both he and I think it may cause more problems than it solves.

I'm not giving up yet. Thinking of trying DGL again.


Have you tried seeing a naturopath or functional dr that specialize in gastro issues?

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What is a naturophath or functional dr? What do I look for online in my area as far as dr goes? Thanks


Dexilant has some bad side effects including nausea and vomiting. My doctor tried me on it for about 3 months years ago, but it didn't help my GERD or chronic gastritis. Are you on PPIs like omeprazole or H2 blockers like famotidine? I'm on 40mg omeprazole twice a day, and 20mg famotidine twice a day. I also take calcium carbonate antacids and alginic acid. I still have breakthrough reflux.

My previous gastro told me there was nothing more he could do to help me. My new gastro says surgery (fundoplication or myotomy) may possibly help, and we'll be discussing that at my next appointment, although both he and I think it may cause more problems than it solves.

I'm not giving up yet. Thinking of trying DGL again.

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Thanks. What is DGL?

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