Anyone had gemcitabine and docetaxel for Bladder Cancer?
Just had second of six weekly doses Gem/Doc chemo infusion for my bladder cancer. Had six doses BCG but cancer came right back. Mine is aggressive but non invasive at present. Been scraped out twice. Any one else having this type chemo? Would like to compare notes.
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How are you doing after your last treatment?
I’m just getting my second treatment of Gemcitidine/ Docetaxel. Side effects from the first treatment were tolerable - just some minor flu like symptoms.
I am having the same treatment but I go once a month and this will be for two years. I have completed 5 of the 24 treatments.I barely drink any fluids the day of my treatment. I only have to do one hour before voiding it for both.
I understand how 90 would be very hard to do as one hour I feel is tough.
Hope this helps.
@meandmybadbladder24, I moved your questions about treatment with gemcitabine and docetaxel chemo to this existing discussion:
- Anyone had gemcitabine and docetaxel for Bladder Cancer?
I did this so you can read previous posts and connect with members like @rjlpool502 @sepdvm @deb2024 @ljashton @lennoncc @kjv12345 @jimg56.
@meandmybadbladder24, how did your 6th and last treatment of gemcitabine and docetaxel go? When is your next follow up appointment?
Hello,Today Monday 1.6.2025, I completed my sixth and (hopefully) last chemo treatment using the gemcitabine and docetaxel chemo solutions. Two solutions given at two different intervals. (My TURBT surgery was Nov 1.).
My chemo procedure was as follows:
• the gemcitabine was injected into the bladder first, via a catheter, the solution is held for 90 minutes. The bladder is voided.
• Next, the docetaxel was injected via a catheter.
Held for 90 mins, again, the bladder is voided.It was a difficult process as I struggled holding the first chemo solution. I voided after approximately 15 minutes on two separate occasions. On both those occasions, I was still given the second chemo treatment- Docetaxel.
The remaining four treatments were administered and with great difficulty I managed to hold the gemze (Gemcitabine) and the Docetaxel was administered afterward.
I wonder if anyone would be willing to share their experience with the Gemcitabine and Docetaxel chemo bladder solution treatment.
I found it very difficult to hold the gemcitabine solution for 90 minutes. Each gemze treatment burned my bladder and I repeatedly experienced painful spasms that lasted two to four minutes.
Hearing how someone else tolerated (or not) this chemo will help me understand if there may have been something I could have done differently prior to treatments. Maybe take an anti spasmodic medication? Or ?Thank you for your input,
My husband will start this treatment jan 13
2x a week for 3 weeks
Then a 1 week break then 2x aweek for 3 weeks again. I will let you know what happens along the way.
No. My husband has none invasive and have been scraped twice
Actually 2nd will be thursday. He was suppose to start bcg in nov but it was not available. I dont know what his treatment will be after his turbt
But i will ket you know.
Good luck my friend.
Still feel
Like my hair is thinning due to my treatments I made a appt with a dermatologist to see if they have any answers for
Me as my dr says it is highly unlikely that is from my treatments so I’m
Frustrated as I asked to go back to BCG treatments
@kjv12345, how are you doing?