Gastric Bypass/ Osteoporosis

Posted by debis67 @debis67, Mar 25 12:09pm

I had RNY in 2002. Was diagnosed with Osteoporosis and Osteopenia in both hips. Dexa scan now says Osteoporosis in both hips. Was on Evista for 9 yrs and GYN stopped it and said Prolia. Had 1 shot in Feb and I’m done. Had alot of side effects. I research Prolia and I should have research before I took it. Then I wouldn’t have. Anyways, I have an appointment with a Rheumatologist in May to go off it. Because of Gastric Bypass the only Bisphosphonate that I can have is Reclast IV. I’m scared of that to but I’m going to see if I can get a lower dose. Has anyone or is anyone going through anything like this? I’m hoping this Rheumatologist knows about the Prolia relay me that I have to have to go off.

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