Gabapentin use for neuropathy

Posted by Lisa @techi, Nov 3, 2017

I just want to know if anyone has used or is still using gabapentin for neuropathy. I had foot surgery in 2015 and l had nerve pain so my surgeon put me on gabapentin and it wasn't once a day or twice a day. He said 3times a day.. So this Monday on the doctors Dr. Stock was talking about the gabapentin and how he was taking it after his surgery and he read about people who were trying to wean themselves off off it and it was hard to do it and if you are taking an opioid it intensify the opoid has anyone had that problem. Because l sometimes take tramadol and l always ask if it's an opioid and everyone says no but when l went online they said it was so l am trying to not take them and when l went to the doctor this week l told them l am only taking the gabapentin 2times a day because l forget the third dose. I told her l am only use to taking meds twice a day so l want to know if anyone had a reaction or difficulty get off gabapentin?

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My doctor recently switched me from taking 300 mg Gapapentin capsules to 600 ml of the oral solution (liquid) Gapapentin. I am taking this at bedtime because this is the only time my SFN bothers me in my hands and feet. The reason my doctor switched me to liquid is because I have some difficulty swallowing larger capsules. I have noticed that I am getting much more relief from the liquid and I am not sure why, but whatever the reason, I am very pleased with the results. The liquid tastes awful, but I am pleased with the results.


My doctor recently switched me from taking 300 mg Gapapentin capsules to 600 ml of the oral solution (liquid) Gapapentin. I am taking this at bedtime because this is the only time my SFN bothers me in my hands and feet. The reason my doctor switched me to liquid is because I have some difficulty swallowing larger capsules. I have noticed that I am getting much more relief from the liquid and I am not sure why, but whatever the reason, I am very pleased with the results. The liquid tastes awful, but I am pleased with the results.

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I meant to say 6 mL not 600, sorry!


I got off gabapentin it was making me too sleepy and making it difficult to drive. I was on 300 mg 3 times a day , I slowly started reducing my pills each week until I was finally off. I didn't have any problems, I'm so glad I did. Everything much clearer now. Good luck to you God bless.


I have had awful hip pain. One of the things my doctor did was switch me from gabapentin to Pregabalin. I'm not sure if t makes much of a difference but I only have to take it twice a day.

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