Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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Did you ever get explanation for the purple spots on your skin. I have had something similar.

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Yes I did. I was getting steroid injections in both hips and shoulders every 3 months. I asked if that was the cause and was told absolutely not. It most definitely was the cause.


Do you take the LDN for fibromyalgia? How much pain relief does it give you?
Can you offer some detail on your experience with it, such as your starting dose and what dose you ending up taking every day as a maintenance dose? I started on 1/4 of a .5mg tablet and worked slowly up to .5mg when it seemed to make my insomnia worse, so I stopped taking it. I thinking of trying it again. Thanks.

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I not only took it for neuropathy but for alcohol withdrawal. I HATE taking it but because of the head fog but the Dr. Won't give me pain meds for it so i just suffer. I'm doomed to live a life of foggy head. It Never helped for alcohol withdrawal but i found AA and have been free now for 13 months. I hope this helps with your question



I'm Jim and I had a large tumor removed from right frontal temporal lobe by way of awake craniotomy June of 2009. Stroke during procedure also. Neurosurgeon says it was the size of 2 golf balls. Left leg and foot still.... not getting correct signals to extend(strengthen), to walk properly, creating other issues of pain. The main concern of pain came while in the rehab unit for a month following. Interestingly enough, the pain that has continued since, is with my right arm!! Not sure why this limb has been in the extreme discomfort pain only rivaled by the left foot which is now, only pushing down and toes are in complete fist clinch while I am upright. From the icu, through rehab, the opioid, norco, was very helpful. The right arm pain, through today, is still very painful even to the touch and, armpit to elbow especially. Even the sleeve of a shirt is a distracting pain. There is also very noticeable muscle atrophy of the wrist, thumb and hand. Looks like the hand of a much older person, especially compared to my left, which I had lost control of for 6+ years, and only regained more coordinated use of over the past 10 years and now does almost everything. I am right handed, correct? Back to the pain and use of gabapentin. I have taken gaba for many years even before procedure and always recognized the tiredness for awhile. I relied more on norco for some years after, up to 6/day. Went back to 400mg of gaba 3x/day. First dose at 4am with 1 strong norco, 12-1pm, 2nd dose with a 2nd norco. 3rd dose is just gaba before sleep. Until the next norco at 4am, Gaba is integral to my pain and sleep now. Gained enough confidence to stop taking the Keppra, I felt keppra was useless because of the amount of gaba. Seizure free since operation but, I still fear that damn aura that sets my neurons into panic. Hope this dithering helps because I do think gaba is a direction that has done me well and have been without norco for almost a month now and definitely feeling the pain. Like my addiction to cigs for 25 years, quitting is like loosing a "friend" of sorts. I used norco for awhile and wanted to abuse them because I do like the feel, but that will let you down.
If I may add, allowing music to affect the CNS more often may aid in the toleration of pain and I find increases the desired effect of joy? Take a listen to Sievert Hoyem's "The Lost Gospel". The lyrics caught me by surprise one day ironically, especially because, I generally enjoy a little more rock. I find that I now enjoy rocking the boat but seem to recognize why a plank is a part of this ship. I hope we all find our senses of relief again. Sharing should not be daring. Is it just me?


Gabepentin makes me SO hungry. I’m gaining weight and it’s causing problems. People say I should have more self control but you simply can’t. The hunger is ravenous. Anyone have this problem? I’ve also noticed my hair falls out when I take gab for awhile.
I still take it because my neurothopy pain gets horrible.


Gabepentin makes me SO hungry. I’m gaining weight and it’s causing problems. People say I should have more self control but you simply can’t. The hunger is ravenous. Anyone have this problem? I’ve also noticed my hair falls out when I take gab for awhile.
I still take it because my neurothopy pain gets horrible.

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Hey Poppy67,
I think my reaction has been quite the opposite, and, I just realized my calculations were wrong on the amount of Gaba I am taking because my pills are 300mg each, so I am taking approximately 3000mg/day and I can't seem to keep a healthy weight up... possibly due to the other medical diagnose neuro gave me after doing tests and found flaws in a gene. I have found, my order of so many daily processes is so distracting that, by the time I realize I've eaten nothing for 24 hours and, decide lunch is the time to "binge eat", thoroughly disrupting this brain even further. I'll apologize again because I am wandering away from the subject with every sentence I write. I think Gaba has helped my seizure disorder but not relief from the perpetual pain of my right arm. I can't fully tell what the benefits should be, but I have some certainty, it has not produced enough relief for the reason I need or want.


Hey Poppy67,
I think my reaction has been quite the opposite, and, I just realized my calculations were wrong on the amount of Gaba I am taking because my pills are 300mg each, so I am taking approximately 3000mg/day and I can't seem to keep a healthy weight up... possibly due to the other medical diagnose neuro gave me after doing tests and found flaws in a gene. I have found, my order of so many daily processes is so distracting that, by the time I realize I've eaten nothing for 24 hours and, decide lunch is the time to "binge eat", thoroughly disrupting this brain even further. I'll apologize again because I am wandering away from the subject with every sentence I write. I think Gaba has helped my seizure disorder but not relief from the perpetual pain of my right arm. I can't fully tell what the benefits should be, but I have some certainty, it has not produced enough relief for the reason I need or want.

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3000 mg a day? Man, that sounds really high. I was taking 900 mg a day and thought that was high. Who prescribed that dosage?


3000 mg a day? Man, that sounds really high. I was taking 900 mg a day and thought that was high. Who prescribed that dosage?

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My primary care here in Illinois and that's not the max. It's the only way we've been trying to dull the odd, acute pain that neuro isn't doing anything about (4) 300mg am, (3) at noon and (3) evening close to bed so I can get some sleep. Brain damage is the main issue post craniotomy 15 years ago


Perpetual pain and the incorrect way my left leg & foot works is, to say the least, testing my resolve


Hey Poppy67,
I think my reaction has been quite the opposite, and, I just realized my calculations were wrong on the amount of Gaba I am taking because my pills are 300mg each, so I am taking approximately 3000mg/day and I can't seem to keep a healthy weight up... possibly due to the other medical diagnose neuro gave me after doing tests and found flaws in a gene. I have found, my order of so many daily processes is so distracting that, by the time I realize I've eaten nothing for 24 hours and, decide lunch is the time to "binge eat", thoroughly disrupting this brain even further. I'll apologize again because I am wandering away from the subject with every sentence I write. I think Gaba has helped my seizure disorder but not relief from the perpetual pain of my right arm. I can't fully tell what the benefits should be, but I have some certainty, it has not produced enough relief for the reason I need or want.

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Thanks for responding. I have neuropathy in my feet.GABA has helped the pain so I continue to take it. It just causes me to feel so much hunger. I’ve gained 10 psd. I guess it affects people differently. I’m sorry it doesn’t help your reasons for taking it. I wish you all the best. Please stay in touch with any changes you experience. You’ll be in my prayers.


I not only took it for neuropathy but for alcohol withdrawal. I HATE taking it but because of the head fog but the Dr. Won't give me pain meds for it so i just suffer. I'm doomed to live a life of foggy head. It Never helped for alcohol withdrawal but i found AA and have been free now for 13 months. I hope this helps with your question


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