Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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Good afternoon @ripley, thank you for responding and seeking more information. First things first. Have you ever become acquainted with medical cannabis as opposed to recreational marijuana? I was fortunate to meet the owner of my dispensary. He was about my age and had similar medical challenges. He took the time to help me learn about options, strains and frequency. Do you have dispensaries in your state?

In the last 10 years, I have experienced, learned, and shared my medical cannabis experience with my clinicians and MFR therapists. It feels like we are on the same team. I am happy to share what I am doing right now. You may want to use the search bar at the top of the screen to find more of the history.

I also want to introduce you to @jenatsky who is one of my "consultants" on Connect. He even helps me make sure that I am on the right page or at least headed in the right direction.

First.....I limit my choices to only tinctures and topicals. Tablets and capsules don't give you the opportunity to get a good start by using the membrane under your tongue to send active elements directly to your brain. By swallowing dosages, they have to go through your digestive system and take a lot longer to be helpful.

I also advocate and seek the entourage effect with the use of THC which by the way does reduce pain.

In the morning, I use 50ML of a 1:1 CBD/THC tincture. I call it my "get up and go" routine. In the afternoon, depending on my pain and discomfort or activities like MFR, I may repeat that dosage.

In the evening, I use 75ML of 2:1 CBD/THC as I seek a calming down and ready-to-sleep status. That's it.....and that is all I need. I have been sleeping well for quite a few years now.

Please ask any questions that come to mind. I am here for you.
May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


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I have no experience with using cannabis recreationally. I've been in my state's Medical Marijuana program for a few months. I have to make an appt to speak to one of their pharmacists who then approves various products based on my prescription meds and the form I prefer (edibles, vapes, etc). They are not very helpful with suggestions and always say "you have to experiment to find what works for you because everyone reacts differently". The store clerks won't offer advice and always refer me to the pharmacist.

I'm disappointed in the limited products offered by my state dispensaries. They don't offer any tinctures. The closest I can get is a subliminal spray that gives 1:1 ratio of CBD/THC, one spray give 15mg of each. They suggest 1-4 sprays/day up to 5 times a day. Would you suggest I try this as an alternative to tinctures? I don't want to feel "spacey" during the day, which I think one spray would do for me since I can feel that effect when I take a 5mg THC capsule.

At night, maybe I could take a CBD gummy or capsule with the spray to get a 2:1 ratio? I have CBN gummies that work well for sleep too.

At my local hemp store, they sell water soluble CBD that you can get in different strengths from 16, 50 and 100mg per ML. The full spectrum version has less than .5% of THC.

My other issue is I can't take cannabis until two hours after I take my morning meds for thyroid and blood pressure.

When my fibro is in flare, I am in a lot of pain all day. I am welcome to any suggestions. Thank you.


I take 300 MG of Gabapentin for nerve pain. I take it after dinner because it makes me tired. But I am usually fine by morning.


I take 300 MG of Gabapentin for nerve pain. I take it after dinner because it makes me tired. But I am usually fine by morning.

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How effective is gabapentin for your pain when you only take it once a day?


How effective is gabapentin for your pain when you only take it once a day?

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It is hard to tell since I also take Hydrocodone every 6 hours and a muscle relaxer every 8 hours. I know it was helping me before I had my surgery and added these other 2 meds to the mix. I tried taking 100 MG earlier in the day but it made me sleepy and I could not drive.


I have no experience with using cannabis recreationally. I've been in my state's Medical Marijuana program for a few months. I have to make an appt to speak to one of their pharmacists who then approves various products based on my prescription meds and the form I prefer (edibles, vapes, etc). They are not very helpful with suggestions and always say "you have to experiment to find what works for you because everyone reacts differently". The store clerks won't offer advice and always refer me to the pharmacist.

I'm disappointed in the limited products offered by my state dispensaries. They don't offer any tinctures. The closest I can get is a subliminal spray that gives 1:1 ratio of CBD/THC, one spray give 15mg of each. They suggest 1-4 sprays/day up to 5 times a day. Would you suggest I try this as an alternative to tinctures? I don't want to feel "spacey" during the day, which I think one spray would do for me since I can feel that effect when I take a 5mg THC capsule.

At night, maybe I could take a CBD gummy or capsule with the spray to get a 2:1 ratio? I have CBN gummies that work well for sleep too.

At my local hemp store, they sell water soluble CBD that you can get in different strengths from 16, 50 and 100mg per ML. The full spectrum version has less than .5% of THC.

My other issue is I can't take cannabis until two hours after I take my morning meds for thyroid and blood pressure.

When my fibro is in flare, I am in a lot of pain all day. I am welcome to any suggestions. Thank you.

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Good evening @ripley. Thanks so much for replying and letting me know what works and doesn't work for you with medical cannabis.

Question #1.....why no tinctures? Even our CBD stores here in MN have tinctures without THC.

Question #2.....I have not heard about the spray. Beverages yes...I even tried one once. How can you take a 100% THC capsule?

Question #3.....Gummies are a favorite of folks. I tried some in the beginning and found them to be inconsistent. Sort of like making marijuana brownies. Some had more than others. Might be interesting to take the gummy with the spray. Please let me know how that works for you.

Question #4......I understand why your hemp store sells the less than .5% THC.

Question #5......I know I have to have at least a breakfast bar in my stomach before I take my first 1:1 CBD/THC tincture. You may want to try that. I wait 30 minutes after taking my osteoporosis med on Monday morning before the breakfast bar and then the cannabis. So...I just get up a little earlier.

Question #6.....I do not have "fibro" but I do have pain at some level all day. I find that my 1:1 CBD/THC can last at least 4-6 hours. It depends on whether I swallowed the dosage or let it filter through the membrane under my tongue. If I need some more help in the afternoon.....I just make sure there is a banana or something in my stomach.

......and finally, I understand that everyone is different, and just like other medications, can have varying responses to different cannabis products as well as dosages and frequencies.

And then there is the fact that the industry is changing. There is more research being done and greater expectations by cannabis-using patients.

Let's try to stay in touch. I am here for you and would like to know how your program is working for you.

May you be safe, free, and protected from inner and outer harm.


Chris--I really appreciate your specific guidance on THC and have asked you advice before. Today's question: I'm wanting to translate your 1:1 ratio of CBD and THC from ML to MG. Can you tell me what that might be? Thanks. Rebecca

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Good evening @rebsue (Rebecca----love that name).

Sure.......give me a minute and I will get the bottles. Whew...that was hard.....the information is right on the front.

Here you go:
1:1 ratio. Both CBD and THC are 480 mg.
2:1 ratio. CBD 480 mg and THC 240 mg.

Have a lovely sleep!


It is hard to tell since I also take Hydrocodone every 6 hours and a muscle relaxer every 8 hours. I know it was helping me before I had my surgery and added these other 2 meds to the mix. I tried taking 100 MG earlier in the day but it made me sleepy and I could not drive.

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What condition are you treating with your pain meds? I have fibromyalgia and don't know what to ask my Dr for to get relief since I'd prefer to avoid Cymbalta and Lyrica due to side effects and withdrawal issues if I decide to stop taking them at some point. I take a muscle relaxer (Cyclobenzaprine) at night if needed. The Drs I've seen are reluctant to prescribe pain meds and muscle relaxers.


Good evening @rebsue (Rebecca----love that name).

Sure.......give me a minute and I will get the bottles. Whew...that was hard.....the information is right on the front.

Here you go:
1:1 ratio. Both CBD and THC are 480 mg.
2:1 ratio. CBD 480 mg and THC 240 mg.

Have a lovely sleep!

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Are those tinctures and where do you purchase them? Are you in a medical marijuana program? Also, do you take these during the day? I feel impaired at a much lower dose of THC so don't know if I could tolerate that much. Thank you.


Good evening @ripley. Thanks so much for replying and letting me know what works and doesn't work for you with medical cannabis.

Question #1.....why no tinctures? Even our CBD stores here in MN have tinctures without THC.

Question #2.....I have not heard about the spray. Beverages yes...I even tried one once. How can you take a 100% THC capsule?

Question #3.....Gummies are a favorite of folks. I tried some in the beginning and found them to be inconsistent. Sort of like making marijuana brownies. Some had more than others. Might be interesting to take the gummy with the spray. Please let me know how that works for you.

Question #4......I understand why your hemp store sells the less than .5% THC.

Question #5......I know I have to have at least a breakfast bar in my stomach before I take my first 1:1 CBD/THC tincture. You may want to try that. I wait 30 minutes after taking my osteoporosis med on Monday morning before the breakfast bar and then the cannabis. So...I just get up a little earlier.

Question #6.....I do not have "fibro" but I do have pain at some level all day. I find that my 1:1 CBD/THC can last at least 4-6 hours. It depends on whether I swallowed the dosage or let it filter through the membrane under my tongue. If I need some more help in the afternoon.....I just make sure there is a banana or something in my stomach.

......and finally, I understand that everyone is different, and just like other medications, can have varying responses to different cannabis products as well as dosages and frequencies.

And then there is the fact that the industry is changing. There is more research being done and greater expectations by cannabis-using patients.

Let's try to stay in touch. I am here for you and would like to know how your program is working for you.

May you be safe, free, and protected from inner and outer harm.

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I'm also in MN so use the Rise dispensary and they offer no tinctures. Our CBD store sells them but, as you said, they have minimal THC.
What do you mean when you ask how I take a 100% THC capsule? I have a 5mg capsule but I only take it at night for sleep, but it doesn't help much.
Did you have to work up slowly to higher doses of THC during the day?


Are those tinctures and where do you purchase them? Are you in a medical marijuana program? Also, do you take these during the day? I feel impaired at a much lower dose of THC so don't know if I could tolerate that much. Thank you.

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Good evening @ripley.
Let's see if I can handle your last two posts. I appreciate your continued response.
First....I am dealing with trauma-based small-fiber neuropathy which includes 14 orthopedic surgeries and years of accidents like falling off horses and down mountains. I have had three spinal surgeries and hospital visits with major concussions. Three rear-end car accidents also did quite a number on my body.

Both of the products I listed and use are tinctures.
The 1:1 CBD/THC is a morning but after-breakfast dosage. It can also be an afternoon pick-up if it is a long day with advancing pain and discomfort.
The 2:1 CBD/THC is a bedtime or evening dosage.

When I first began using products with THC, I also felt a bit uneasy and stayed at a much lower dose of THC for years. I was a bit frightened by any psychoactivity. I lived alone, managed my own business, and was a weekend getaway for my grandchildren.

It has been 10 years now that I have been slowly working up to higher doses of THC during the day.

Hope this helps and keeps us on the same page.

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