Functional Neurological Disorder Diagnosis

Posted by DawnG @imagine1, May 19 1:30pm

After MRIs, a lumbar puncture, and lots of bloodwork, my neurologist diagnosed me with Functional Neurological Disorder. My tests came back as normal, except for unexplained lesions on my brain and elevated c-level proteins.

My neuropathy has become progressively worse in the last two years. I now have braces on both legs and a walker. The neurologist has referred me to physical therapy and psychology.

I feel as though this may be a diagnosis made because he doesn't know what's causing the neuropathy and thinks it's, at least in part, psychological. Has anyone else received this diagnosis? Or do you know about FND?

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They just don't know and to keep seeking is crazy. Been there done it and you r on your own. Doctors went to school but they have no clue. Personal opinion after too many consults. It is something we get and to seach and seek and find nothing. Call it life............


I will agree with you somewhat Josie. That’s why they call it a medical practice. They are constantly discovering new ways to do things. Could you image if you had kidney stones say 150 years ago. How about a tooth pulled? Yes, they have come a long way, but if I could come back say 500 years in the future, the first place I’d check out is a hospital. They have so much they don’t know about the human body. There are many inventions still to come I believe. Especially with the brain and central nervous system. It’s like the bottom of the ocean.


@imagine1, you may also be interested in these related discussions:
- Functional Neurological disorder next steps:
-Functional Neurological Disorder (FND):


They did check for Vit B12 and D deficiency, right?


They did check for Vit B12 and D deficiency, right?

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Yes, they did. I'm not deficient in either.


Yes, they did. I'm not deficient in either.

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I am no expert in this at all. I know very little. I’m still struggling for a diagnosis myself after 2 years of seeing experts and finally getting Vit B12 deficiency diagnosis by my second neurologist. (First neurologist dropped the ball.) Still…..much is a mystery, however….is there some downside to a functional diagnosis? Can’t it still be treated? It’s real and valid as any other medical condition, right? Maybe, I’m off. I’ve done some reading and watched a couple of documentaries about it. If treatment helps, does it matter the name it’s given? I’m asking because I really am curious. Does insurance still cover treatments?

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