frequent hypoglycemia when on tube feeding

Posted by rastoginidhi1012 @rastoginidhi1012, Jun 3 4:20pm

my 25 years old daughter diagnosed with gastroparesis. she is not able to take either solids or liquids. She is on PG tube for gastric decompression and feeding jejunostomy for feeding since December 2022. recently she is experiencing hypoglycemia throughout the day even when she is attached to feeding pump. she is using ensure plus in feed.
is there anyone who is having this issue? how to manage this?
any remedy ?

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As a retired nurse with prior home health care experience I suggest you speak with a nutritionist or which ever professional helps direct her nutritional needs since ensure is so sugar heavy if my memory serves me. She may be developing another issue and this is an early symptom. Since you know she’s hypoglycemic I presume your testing her urine and or blood so she must have DM too? From the web I found this. “ Hyperglycemia is also very common (10-30%) in patients being fed enterally. High calorie intake may unmask glucose intolerance or diabetes. Acute illness, overfeeding, in addition to inappropriately low insulin or medication supplementation can account for hyperglycemia.”

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