Fosamax and tooth extraction

Posted by mjq @mjq, Oct 10, 2022

My dentist is suggesting I need to have a tooth extracted. I have been on Fosamax for almost three years. Because of the product warning of necrosis of the jaw caused by Fosamax, I am leery of getting a tooth extracted. Statistics state this happens 4% of the time. Anyone had experience with this type of situation?

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I forget how many years ago I had a back molar removed due to necrosis. My dentist said it was due to being on Fosamax for 5 years. My rheumatologist didn't think that was the cause but I stopped taking it because it was said it also effected the heart. With heart disease in both sides of my family I felt it was the right decision for me. I do go for regular bone scans and they are doing fine.


I forget how many years ago I had a back molar removed due to necrosis. My dentist said it was due to being on Fosamax for 5 years. My rheumatologist didn't think that was the cause but I stopped taking it because it was said it also effected the heart. With heart disease in both sides of my family I felt it was the right decision for me. I do go for regular bone scans and they are doing fine.

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I understand your concern ! I have been on Prolia for one year and then Reclast infusion as a transition from Prolia in March of 2022. I had to have a root extracted on October 13,2022. So far it seems to be healing well. I am cautiously optimistic that the healing of the bone will continue and I can move forward and have my four remaining teeth roots removed. If your oral surgeon is experienced, the odds are things will go well.
Good Luck !!!
Let us know how you do !


I had a tooth extraction and stopped taking Fosamax due to possible dental advised by my doctor. When I was on Fosamax, I experienced dramatic improvement in my bone density scores in a relatively short period of time. The extraction was five months ago and the extraction area has healed. My doctor says I must wait another six months before taking Fosamax again. I wanted to start taking Fosamax because of my improvement scores and being off Fosamax for almost a year seems too long. Does anyone know the medically correct time period required after a tooth extraction to be off Fosamax?


I had a tooth extraction and stopped taking Fosamax due to possible dental advised by my doctor. When I was on Fosamax, I experienced dramatic improvement in my bone density scores in a relatively short period of time. The extraction was five months ago and the extraction area has healed. My doctor says I must wait another six months before taking Fosamax again. I wanted to start taking Fosamax because of my improvement scores and being off Fosamax for almost a year seems too long. Does anyone know the medically correct time period required after a tooth extraction to be off Fosamax?

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Have you considered taking forteo/tymlos? Check with your doctor these are not a bisphosphonate. I don't know for sure but it might be an alternative. Something worth looking into.


I had a tooth extraction and stopped taking Fosamax due to possible dental advised by my doctor. When I was on Fosamax, I experienced dramatic improvement in my bone density scores in a relatively short period of time. The extraction was five months ago and the extraction area has healed. My doctor says I must wait another six months before taking Fosamax again. I wanted to start taking Fosamax because of my improvement scores and being off Fosamax for almost a year seems too long. Does anyone know the medically correct time period required after a tooth extraction to be off Fosamax?

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Hello @newcomer, I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled: Fosamax and tooth extraction,, so you could meet members like @mtnyankee and @mjq who pondered some of the same questions as you.

@newcomer, did your doctor discuss with you why it needed to be 6 months? Were there additional concerns about dental work or needing to wait a full year for it to heal to be certain of the healing? Were any alternatives discussed. If you are comfortable sharing, how are your bone density scores holding during this hiatus from your medication?


Hello @newcomer, I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled: Fosamax and tooth extraction,, so you could meet members like @mtnyankee and @mjq who pondered some of the same questions as you.

@newcomer, did your doctor discuss with you why it needed to be 6 months? Were there additional concerns about dental work or needing to wait a full year for it to heal to be certain of the healing? Were any alternatives discussed. If you are comfortable sharing, how are your bone density scores holding during this hiatus from your medication?

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My problems were 20 years ago and no I was never told. I'm sure there is new information now probably even alternatives. However, I don't plan an ever using it again.

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