Forteo vs. Tymlos: Which did you choose?

Posted by suze317 @suze317, Oct 17, 2018

I have to make a decision on Forteo vs. Tymlos and am not sure what to choose. Forteo has been around a lot longer, but has to be refrigerated. Tymlos only around 1 1/2 years but is shelf stable and seems to have less side effects and less issues with calcium. Can anyone offer their perspective? Thank you!

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I was taken off of Tymlos because of lingering heart palpitations. I have extra unopened unused needles if anyone needs them. Please let me know and I can send out.
Stay well during this very challenging time.

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@artscaping i just thought i would reply to this, since it has similarities to my situation -- but my solution is off-label and therefore i am recommending it. @salpert i wonder if, by any chance, you are a small(ish) person? i also had lingering palpitations (plus a high degree of nausea) when i first began doing tymlos -- so much so that after about 2 months my rheumatologist sent me to a cardiologist and i wore a heart monitor for a month. the conclusion of that assessment was that my heart rate was indeed being heightened after the injection more and for a longer time than expected (i.e., some period of increase is a typical side effect of tymlos) but that it was not dangerous if i was not too uncomfortable. wellllll i was tremendously uncomfortable and didn't feel that i could commit to an extended period of good medication compliance under those circumstances. as i am a small adult (small stature and below 100 lbs), i wondered if the standard adult dosage could possibly just be too high for me. i then took it upon myself 🙂 to lower my dosage to half the usual. you can do that by turning the pen only 4 clicks instead of 8. thereafter, my heart rate was heightened for only a hour or so after administration as it is for most people AND at the end of the year, my bone density showed an increase of 14.5%. the makers of tymlos should investigate such dosage issues and perhaps refine their recommendations based on body size and weight.


@artscaping i just thought i would reply to this, since it has similarities to my situation -- but my solution is off-label and therefore i am recommending it. @salpert i wonder if, by any chance, you are a small(ish) person? i also had lingering palpitations (plus a high degree of nausea) when i first began doing tymlos -- so much so that after about 2 months my rheumatologist sent me to a cardiologist and i wore a heart monitor for a month. the conclusion of that assessment was that my heart rate was indeed being heightened after the injection more and for a longer time than expected (i.e., some period of increase is a typical side effect of tymlos) but that it was not dangerous if i was not too uncomfortable. wellllll i was tremendously uncomfortable and didn't feel that i could commit to an extended period of good medication compliance under those circumstances. as i am a small adult (small stature and below 100 lbs), i wondered if the standard adult dosage could possibly just be too high for me. i then took it upon myself 🙂 to lower my dosage to half the usual. you can do that by turning the pen only 4 clicks instead of 8. thereafter, my heart rate was heightened for only a hour or so after administration as it is for most people AND at the end of the year, my bone density showed an increase of 14.5%. the makers of tymlos should investigate such dosage issues and perhaps refine their recommendations based on body size and weight.

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@laurapearl, that is really interesting. And such a tremendous increase. I think they likely do trials against a range of sizes and look at average. It's such a new drug that my guess is it will take a while to perform dosing studies. I am not as small as you but below 110 lb, and although I tolerate the dosage fine, but why take more if I don't have to. Also, I wonder if this could effect how long during a life time it could be used. Of course that question can't be answered now, but wonder if you take 1/2 does would 4 years be allowable - that would be especially significant for those of us that use up our time allotment so early in life and cannot tolerate oral bisphosphonates to help in between. I hope your doctor shares with makers of Tymlos. I'm going to share with my endocrinologist to see if any studies are in action. Thanks for sharing.


Good afternoon @diva, it has been a while since we checked in with each other. I finally have a "med buddy" for I too am not med friendly or at least my body isn't. I am very sensitive to bisphosphonates. My endocrinologist said no way......for any of them and so I am on Tymlos. The proof will be in the pudding so to speak.....when I get the results from my first year DEXA scan.

Would you please pass along your findings on Chinese medicine so all of us will be informed.

Did you plan to contact your Dr. about what she/he wants you will need to be on after. Tymlos? I think that information will be helpful to others. Please share.

May you be content and at ease these days.

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Hi diva. I'm on Tymlos too, but it's because I have to have low back surgery. I've all ready explained the surgery in another post. I have to be on it for 2 years. I have to be on it 6 weeks before surgery and only have one week left. So the dang governor better open up to have elective surgery. I'm in pain. My surgeons assistant was going to meet with my surgeon to plan out my surgery, so I should be able to get in as soon as the elective surgeries are open. Take care and do you have any side effects from Tymlos? I do it at night now and that helps the side effects.


Good afternoon @lilypaws. Thank you for updating us on your choice for help with osteoporosis. Would you please tell us why you chose Tymlos? Did you have any side effects? Regarding the cost, you are correct, Forteo is more "spendy". Because of COVID-19, my endocrinologist increased the dosage to 3 months so I would not have trouble getting it. Then my pharmacist helped me find a specialty pharmacy that was not as expensive. Have you had help with some price checking?

And now for your second statement about the complex surgery you are scheduling, you sound ready and understand the recovery that will be required. Will your time with Tymlos be helpful for the fusions? My surgeon was quite adamant about staying in a brace for 3 months to ensure that the fusion had every chance to be more secure. That was a very long time for me. However, I did it....even slept in it except for one night when I just lost it and threw the darn thing across the bedroom.

I hope you are pleased with the results. It was great to be able to sleep and walk and sit without constant pain. I would like to put you on "Chris's list" so that I can check in with you as things progress. Would that be appropriate? It is also so important that other members know your story. That is how we all learn, by sharing.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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I choose Tyjlos because it wasn't as expensive and yes it will strengthen my spine. I had to use it for 6 weeks before to surgery and have 1 week left. Yes, I did have side effect, but my endocrinologist said to do it at night. I get my Tymlos at the Mayo Special Pharmacy. They mail it to me and call me when its time for a refill.
Yes the tymlos will be helpful with my surgery and yes I will have to wear a brace. I laughed when you throw it across the room. I'm sure it could get uncomfortable and I I don't know how long I will have to wear it. So you did have a fusion? Where at? I expect the back. Thank you for responding. I'm confident the surgery will work and of course put me on Chris's list..


Hi diva. I'm on Tymlos too, but it's because I have to have low back surgery. I've all ready explained the surgery in another post. I have to be on it for 2 years. I have to be on it 6 weeks before surgery and only have one week left. So the dang governor better open up to have elective surgery. I'm in pain. My surgeons assistant was going to meet with my surgeon to plan out my surgery, so I should be able to get in as soon as the elective surgeries are open. Take care and do you have any side effects from Tymlos? I do it at night now and that helps the side effects.

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this is in reply to lilypaws,kdbones and Chris Trout. First good luck on your upcoming surgery.I am a small person under 90lbs so taking a normal dose of meds for me is almost impossible. Most doctors don't believe it when I get horrible side effects from most drugs.I had been told that small statue metabolizes differently.I did start Tymlos taking half of the normal dosage. I had severe nausea and heart palpitations but also pains in my upper stomach and chest.
I have a hyperactive thyroid that decreased my bone density 10% in a year and is not cured after almost 9 months.I came to a decision and told my Dr. I want to remove the thyroid and then try Tymlos again. Because in my mind how can it rebuild when the thyroid is destroying it.Her reasoning is to maintain where I am at. In the meantime I am doing gentle chair yoga to rebuild bones, and increasing my walking k2 d3, calcium and prunes.


@artscaping i just thought i would reply to this, since it has similarities to my situation -- but my solution is off-label and therefore i am recommending it. @salpert i wonder if, by any chance, you are a small(ish) person? i also had lingering palpitations (plus a high degree of nausea) when i first began doing tymlos -- so much so that after about 2 months my rheumatologist sent me to a cardiologist and i wore a heart monitor for a month. the conclusion of that assessment was that my heart rate was indeed being heightened after the injection more and for a longer time than expected (i.e., some period of increase is a typical side effect of tymlos) but that it was not dangerous if i was not too uncomfortable. wellllll i was tremendously uncomfortable and didn't feel that i could commit to an extended period of good medication compliance under those circumstances. as i am a small adult (small stature and below 100 lbs), i wondered if the standard adult dosage could possibly just be too high for me. i then took it upon myself 🙂 to lower my dosage to half the usual. you can do that by turning the pen only 4 clicks instead of 8. thereafter, my heart rate was heightened for only a hour or so after administration as it is for most people AND at the end of the year, my bone density showed an increase of 14.5%. the makers of tymlos should investigate such dosage issues and perhaps refine their recommendations based on body size and weight.

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Good morning....and YES to your question. I am a very small boned person. 95lbs. I, too, thought the dosage on Tymlos may be too high for my small frame. “One size does NOT fit all”. My endocrinologist recommended to take myself off during the coronavirus. I am waiting to see a new endocrinologist at Mayo and trying to do the visit via Telemed. I will let you know what the new doctors recommendations are for my small frame.
Best of luck. Stay well, safe and strong!


Hi @laurapearl this is lilypaws. I am on Tymlos and my endocrinologist at Mayo did not take me off of it during the coronavirus. I think your idea is the best and see a endocrinologist at Mayo. I had to wait awhile to get in. Good Luck.


Hi @laurapearl this is lilypaws. I am on Tymlos and my endocrinologist at Mayo did not take me off of it during the coronavirus. I think your idea is the best and see a endocrinologist at Mayo. I had to wait awhile to get in. Good Luck.

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I'm new to this so I guess it was @ salpert that said her endocrinologist took her off of Tymlos. My suggestion is above.


I'm new to this so I guess it was @ salpert that said her endocrinologist took her off of Tymlos. My suggestion is above.

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I apologize for the lack of information I gave out on my last response. As in previous texts, I had mentioned I had troubling heart palpitations that did not go away. I was concerned that Tymlos was adversely effecting my heart, thus my endocrinologist recommended going off at the height of the outbreak until I could be seen.
I am now hoping to do a Telemedicine visit with an endocrinologist at Mayo later this month.
Will keep you posted as far as weight/dosage thoughts.


@artscaping i just thought i would reply to this, since it has similarities to my situation -- but my solution is off-label and therefore i am recommending it. @salpert i wonder if, by any chance, you are a small(ish) person? i also had lingering palpitations (plus a high degree of nausea) when i first began doing tymlos -- so much so that after about 2 months my rheumatologist sent me to a cardiologist and i wore a heart monitor for a month. the conclusion of that assessment was that my heart rate was indeed being heightened after the injection more and for a longer time than expected (i.e., some period of increase is a typical side effect of tymlos) but that it was not dangerous if i was not too uncomfortable. wellllll i was tremendously uncomfortable and didn't feel that i could commit to an extended period of good medication compliance under those circumstances. as i am a small adult (small stature and below 100 lbs), i wondered if the standard adult dosage could possibly just be too high for me. i then took it upon myself 🙂 to lower my dosage to half the usual. you can do that by turning the pen only 4 clicks instead of 8. thereafter, my heart rate was heightened for only a hour or so after administration as it is for most people AND at the end of the year, my bone density showed an increase of 14.5%. the makers of tymlos should investigate such dosage issues and perhaps refine their recommendations based on body size and weight.

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@laurapearl, Hey there.....thanks for your post. I do remember that there was discussion about cutting the dosage in half. Although I figured that you could do it....I did not know if your endocrinologist would approve. I was able to talk to the manufacturer when I needed my Rx refilled. Let me see if I can float the dosage issue again this week.

Be safe and protected.

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