Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


@ancopau1998 There is another discussion on neuropathy with only numbness symptoms that you might find helpful here -

I worried a lot about the numbness getting worse and not being able to drive but I think you just have to take it a day at a time and try to live a healthier lifestyle and exercise some when you are able. I do make sure to keep my legs and feet moisturized and check them daily since the nerves are close to the skin and I think keeping the skin from drying out helps.

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I have found a CBD roll on that I use on my feet at bedtime.I just need very little to take away the pain


Hi windsochris, I just got home from the Nephrologist and her nurse had Hoka shoes on. Wow I asked her about them and she also said they are the best shoes she has ever worn, I guess I will try them. She also told me where there is a store that sells them and it's not to far away from me. As far as price if they are great shoes I don't care about price, now gas and food oh no so high! Boo woo!! Thanks for your help I appreciate it very much!!

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Good evening @ancopau1998, I thought I would add to your nurse's opinion about Hoka shoes. I got my first pair for myself for Christmas after reading about the company, its mission, and its products. I am 80 years old and cannot risk falling. Yet I still want to do my walks along the river, my Yoga, and a set of stabilizing exercises to keep me from falling. The Hoka's add security and stability to everything I do. The arch support is excellent and they feel like a platform of safety for me. I had the laces removed and replaced with elastic string ties that are much easier to use and actually stay tied.

Good luck with your new shoes.


Two things I have tried that work. One, when you wake with the pain apply a prescription Lidocaine patch and the pain goes away. It does not work if you apply earlier. Recently I watched a Mayo video on YouTube and the doctor said to soak your feet in cold water for 10 mins. I add ice to be even colder. I wait until I wake with pain and soak for 10 and watch the TV. It works great.

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I also use Lidocaine but over the counter in Aloe. I keep in fridge, so it's nice & cool when I apply. I did use CBD roller on or cream, I'm a believer but the Aloe with Lidocaine seems to be better for me. Just adding info to list.


Has anyone used a tens unit or a vibration mat for peripheral neuropathy in the feet? My feet go from hot to cold which makes the rest of me either hot or cold. Just wondering what experience anyone has had. Appreciate any input, bcool123


Good evening @ancopau1998, I thought I would add to your nurse's opinion about Hoka shoes. I got my first pair for myself for Christmas after reading about the company, its mission, and its products. I am 80 years old and cannot risk falling. Yet I still want to do my walks along the river, my Yoga, and a set of stabilizing exercises to keep me from falling. The Hoka's add security and stability to everything I do. The arch support is excellent and they feel like a platform of safety for me. I had the laces removed and replaced with elastic string ties that are much easier to use and actually stay tied.

Good luck with your new shoes.

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I am curious ... what set of stabilizing exercises do you do? I have been looking but have not found anything really appealing. Thanks in advance.


my feet feel like I walk on glass. is this neuropathy or something alse. My md is no help.. I do not want to take another pill that dosn't do anything and feel that I am beaing given a runaroun,, Help some days I am not able to walk Marisa


I am curious ... what set of stabilizing exercises do you do? I have been looking but have not found anything really appealing. Thanks in advance.

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Go on you tube plenty of neuropathy exercises.


my feet feel like I walk on glass. is this neuropathy or something alse. My md is no help.. I do not want to take another pill that dosn't do anything and feel that I am beaing given a runaroun,, Help some days I am not able to walk Marisa

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Hi Marisa @bugs, Welcome back. It's been a long time since your last post in 2017. In your last post you mentioned having type 2 diabetes and were developing neuropathy symptoms in your arms. I can understand not wanting to take another pill that may not help.

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has some alternative treatments listed on their website here that you might find helpful -

How are doing with your diabetes? Have you made any lifestyle changes to help?


Go on you tube plenty of neuropathy exercises.

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Actually I did several weeks ago but I was not happy with my search that is why I was asking. I thought you might have found some exercises that were especially good.


Has anyone used a tens unit or a vibration mat for peripheral neuropathy in the feet? My feet go from hot to cold which makes the rest of me either hot or cold. Just wondering what experience anyone has had. Appreciate any input, bcool123

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Yes, I have a 10's unit footbath that has helped me tremendously.

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