Foot neuropathy due to cord compression
Has anyone here had neuropathy due to cord impingement? If so, were there things that were done to help reverse it? Did you have steroid shots in the area? My balance is affected as well.
I just had a positive MRI for cord impingement due to a focal herniation on T11-12. Initial herniation on 9/29 with shock-like zaps from neck to feet, and foot neuropathy (worse on right foot) in mid December.
Finally got a doctor to order an MRI after being put through a bunch of bloodwork (A1C normal, EMG normal).
Being referred to a neurosurgeon and will be getting a more detailed MRI of the area.
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I've have Foot peripheral neuropathy for 10 years, before the severe stenosis diagnosis. PN IS NOT always caused by diabetes or alcoholism, I have neither. I believe it has always been related to my spine issues and started as the "first" indication of coming spine issues.
I also do not have diabetes or alcoholism, and I've just recently (for 2 months) have foot neuropathy after a disc herniation 5months ago.
I have lumbar foraminal stenosis after having minimally invasive surgery at lumbar 3 -4. I think that's lumbar anyway I had severe stenosis for 7 years before I had the surgery because I didn't want to do fusion and I finally found a surgeon who only did laminotomy. I felt great only for about three and a half months after the surgery then I started getting my symptoms back plus neuropathy and my left foot. Now I have nerve damage they say. I'm scheduled to meet with a surgeon at Brigham women's hospital in Boston which is supposed to be one of the best spine centers. Good luck to all of us suffering with this horrible condition and if anyone has any suggestions about doing minimally invasive versus larger surgeries I'd like to hear about it. I'm very wary about having fusion because I have severe osteoporosis.
I too had spondylosis and stenosis L4 L5 . 2 doctors just wanted to fuse it. 3rd,and 4th said they could not fuse due to my Osteoporosis. So i had laminectomy. Nearly pain free(8months) some numbness in toes).
From what I have learned from extensive doctor visits and reading, you don't want to be fused if you have poor bones it just compounds your problems and pain.
I am now on Forteo trying to build bone so I can have surgery if needed. I never want to have to live that pain agsin because they can't do surgery.
Best regards.
Where did you have the surgery if you don't mind me asking? I mean the laminectomy. Yeah I don't want to have fusion.
@sunflower51 and @whalehello , I wanted to welcome you both to Connect.
A capsule of B 3,6,12, Folate,
D3, ALA, MSM, PEA, N- Acetyl-L-Carnitine,Boswellia
All combined for nerve health. 1/day. Seems to help some. Im trying to avoid more surgery. I don't hear too many good results from additional surgery. I continue to read and research and PRAY!!
Dr.Su in Marin County. Near San Francisco. He has a very good educational utube channel where He goes in depth on options from non-surgical to major surgery for the spine. His channel is called The Spine guy
His credentials and work history are impressive.