Foot neuropathy due to cord compression
Has anyone here had neuropathy due to cord impingement? If so, were there things that were done to help reverse it? Did you have steroid shots in the area? My balance is affected as well.
I just had a positive MRI for cord impingement due to a focal herniation on T11-12. Initial herniation on 9/29 with shock-like zaps from neck to feet, and foot neuropathy (worse on right foot) in mid December.
Finally got a doctor to order an MRI after being put through a bunch of bloodwork (A1C normal, EMG normal).
Being referred to a neurosurgeon and will be getting a more detailed MRI of the area.
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Can you describe your foot neuropathy?
Feels like I'm walking on balled up socks, and sometimes my right foot goes numb. Skin is weirdly sensitive up to my waist.
Balance is affected.
I have some similar symptoms….no definite diagnosis as to cause, several things a possibility. Mine is improving though. The only tests I haven’t had are of spine.
I had cord compression in the cervical spine and had a laminoplasty C3-7 and again to T1. I still have neuropathy in my hands and arms feeling like stinging and burning. I see a pain doctor and have been on 3 medications for pain and have an implanted spinal cord stimulator.
@pikmyles How has the spinal cord stim worked for you? Any relief? If so, was it worth the pain of having it implanted? Thanks for any insights and I hope you are getting some relief!
Hi, I don't have a spinal stim.
I have spondylitis (vertebrae has moved) and severe stenosis between L4-L5. It causes me numbness , tingling and pain in my toes, feet and legs. I saw an orthopedic surgeon and she wants to do Spinal fusion, but they are not always successful. I talked to my primary dr and he sent me to a pain dr. They did ablation on the nerves in my back that has stopped most of my pain and tingling , but it doesn’t help the numbness. For that I use Naboso shoe inserts and socks. The pain dr mentioned if my pain gets unbearable we could try a spinal stimulator.
I do,have a cousin whose back in terrible shape and a spinal stimulator is working for him.
Neuropathy causes the same symptoms quite of few of those people have been alcoholics or diabetics.
I follow the neuropathy topic on this site which has different things to do for the symptoms.
I also saw a Dr to verify that I didn’t have any immune diseases, which can cause the same type of symptoms.
I too have very similar back issues with burning pain from legs to feet (both). I've done two sessions of PT with traction. A bit of help but not enough of course. PT head therapist did not recommend surgery until I have more debilitating issues. He's seen few with any good results. Im doing nerve supplements that are helpful.
I have known about the vertebrae issue since 1989, But I didn’t need therapy until about 2016. I had pt exercises also the traction. I also bought an inversion table. I got by with occasional pain pills.. About 2018 I started getting the steroid injections. I was ok until Covid then I gotten lax about exercising. The neuropathy in feet started with my toes feeling funny occasionally if I changed my shoes it would stop. I had a hip replacement in sept 2023 after I had burning and tingling from my knee to my hip. We decided to move April this year and lifting boxes, etc I had to do something to my back. Within weeks my feet and legs were burning and in pain. It started in the right leg and then my left.
I am doing much better and started working out adding weights and that seems to help. I take b12, d3 and I try to avoid processed foods.
What vitamins are you taking.
Hi, thanks for your story. I also follow the neuropathy group.