Foot neuropathy (numbness and pain) after total knee replacement (TKR)

Posted by norby @norby, Nov 26, 2018

I had a right total knee replacement 10 weeks ago and came out of surgery with numbness and intermittent pain on the bottom of my right foot. However, I do have good motor function in that foot. The knee has been healing and with PT, movement is on track, but the foot is a major challenge. The foot pain at times is worse than any from the knee. I have been able to generally manage the foot pain with gabapentin. My surgeon believes this may resolve in time but may take from 6-12 months. However there is a possibility that it will never go away. Has anyone else experienced foot neuropathy following knee replacement? If so, what was your experience with it?

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I had TKRs in 2017, both legs. After the operations I had numbness around the knee that has since gone and I have some feelings back. However, the lower leg and feet have numbness and I feel as though I am walking on cushions of water?!? The tingling and sensation is worse at night just before I go to sleep. The worst part is the rash/dermatitis that I have developed that is shown below. It is itchy, scaly and feels sore to touch. I apply moisturising creams and have tried many but none seem to relieve the constant breakout of the rash and weeping. Having the operations restored my mobility which was almost non-existent but the nerve neuropathy and rash since are a consideration. I am not interested in taking medications to mask the situation and do not want to take steriods or statins or the like. I do not take any medications and want to keep it that way. Would love to hear from anyone with a similar complaint and experiences of different treatments.


Yes, I have had numbness in my feet and my TKR surgery was a little over a year ago. The surgery impacts the nerves in your legs and feet, especially if your knee joint was severely damaged before the surgery, which can affect your spinal chord alignment. After surgery your alignment must readjust and correct itself. I experienced several weeks of severe pysatic nerve pain as this was happening. My feet have not fully recovered, but one thing that has helped the numbness is taking Valerian, a natural plant supplement that is known for calming nerves in your body. I take two capsules before bed and find it very beneficial.


It’s been 10 weeks since my TKR. I have numbness in my foot and leg. My physical therapist thinks it’s coming from my back and just gave me back exercises to do. The numbness usually comes at night or when I lay down starts in my foot then go up my calf, Sometimes it gets so bad that I have to get up and walk around.


Muscle spasm in feet and lower leg often occur and is quite painful. Not sure if this is associated with neuropathy and permanent as it is now 5 years since my surgeries… so maybe here to stay!?!?


Muscle spasm in feet and lower leg often occur and is quite painful. Not sure if this is associated with neuropathy and permanent as it is now 5 years since my surgeries… so maybe here to stay!?!?

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I have had foot numbness since my tkr’s 6 yrs ago. Getting worse. Started with numbness now tingling and burning in my feet now up to my knees. Both sides. Looking at my back now. Nerve damage is here to stay.


I had TKRs in 2017, both legs. After the operations I had numbness around the knee that has since gone and I have some feelings back. However, the lower leg and feet have numbness and I feel as though I am walking on cushions of water?!? The tingling and sensation is worse at night just before I go to sleep. The worst part is the rash/dermatitis that I have developed that is shown below. It is itchy, scaly and feels sore to touch. I apply moisturising creams and have tried many but none seem to relieve the constant breakout of the rash and weeping. Having the operations restored my mobility which was almost non-existent but the nerve neuropathy and rash since are a consideration. I am not interested in taking medications to mask the situation and do not want to take steriods or statins or the like. I do not take any medications and want to keep it that way. Would love to hear from anyone with a similar complaint and experiences of different treatments.

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Three months after my TKR I developed a rash or a bruise outside my thigh area. It irritated me especially at night because the sheets rubs on it.
So first,I rubbed some cream on it,Next, covered it with a soft wound pad that looks like the square
gauzes.Lastly,wrapped it up with one of those brown elastic bandages,I slept good!


I have had foot numbness since my tkr’s 6 yrs ago. Getting worse. Started with numbness now tingling and burning in my feet now up to my knees. Both sides. Looking at my back now. Nerve damage is here to stay.

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Foot neuropathy will probably go away.i had the same problem,so I purchased medical compression ankle socks for my feet,and footless compression socks for my leg.
It helped me.


Foot neuropathy will probably go away.i had the same problem,so I purchased medical compression ankle socks for my feet,and footless compression socks for my leg.
It helped me.

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Can you describe your neuropathy in detail?
How long did it take to resolve?


2 years later after TKR. Getting epidurals, blocks and burns. Granted I have one messed up spine. Pinched nerve that gives like an electrical feeling down legs. At times my feet hurt when standing up at first. Never ends.


Can you describe your neuropathy in detail?
How long did it take to resolve?

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Mine was a faint, numbness feeling in my foot.i couldn't hardly wear a shoe on my foot it was so uncomfortable.And a similar problem down my leg but a tingling feeling.My PT said that's your nerves and that it's normal after a TKR.
I did some research because I needed a resolution.thats when I decided to get the compression socks/stockings 15mmh-20mmh size.the results was good for me.that feeling went away in days.and if it came back,i repeated the process.

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