Foot neuropathy (numbness and pain) after total knee replacement (TKR)

Posted by norby @norby, Nov 26, 2018

I had a right total knee replacement 10 weeks ago and came out of surgery with numbness and intermittent pain on the bottom of my right foot. However, I do have good motor function in that foot. The knee has been healing and with PT, movement is on track, but the foot is a major challenge. The foot pain at times is worse than any from the knee. I have been able to generally manage the foot pain with gabapentin. My surgeon believes this may resolve in time but may take from 6-12 months. However there is a possibility that it will never go away. Has anyone else experienced foot neuropathy following knee replacement? If so, what was your experience with it?

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I am eight months after TKR surgery and still have major numbness in my right foot. It feels like needles and when I wear closed shoes I feel unbalanced. My surgeon says "he wasn't down there" so he doesn't understand why after surgery I have had this problem. A pa told me it could have happened from the bed I was in in the hospital! Doesn't make sense to me. The frustrating part is no one has a solution to this or what kind of doctor I should pursue to see if he/she would have a solution. I am a tennis player and need my balance to play. Also after wearing closed shoes for a couple of hours the top part of my foot starts hurting. Has anybody had this happen to them? SP

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YES! Through an ABI test (like a blood pressure test except on your legs) they found the knee surgeon pinched off my popliteal artery. It is the artery that supplies blood to your leg and foot. So it was like my foot was asleep and I couldn't put weight on it either. So they put a leg stabilizer on it so I could stand up. I had the artery opening surgery done 60 days after my TKR (2-12-2019). All I was told was it was normal to have a numb foot and to give it a year or 2 for nerves to heal. I went back to knee surgeon he said when that happens the person normally looses their leg. Now I've been told he pinched more than the artery since my foot is still a little numb but at least my foot is not cold and purple toes. Good luck in searching out what happened.



Has your foot pain settled down now? I am 10 weeks post op TKR and I have had exactly the same issue and continue to do so. I am also taking Gabapentin and dosage has also been an issue. I'm hoping once all the swelling has subsided I will be ok. I certainly never expected this to be an issue post op!



Has your foot pain settled down now? I am 10 weeks post op TKR and I have had exactly the same issue and continue to do so. I am also taking Gabapentin and dosage has also been an issue. I'm hoping once all the swelling has subsided I will be ok. I certainly never expected this to be an issue post op!

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I am 11 months post op and still have numbness on the bottom of my foot. My TKR surgeon kept telling me a numb foot was normal and give it a year or 2. My primary said that's not normal and scheduled an ABI test that showed low pressure in that leg. My knee surgeon pinched my Popliteal Artery during my TKR. I had surgery to open that artery. My foot got a little better, but still numb on the bottom. I am scheduled for an EMG test to see if there is nerve damage which could maybe heal or if it is tissue and cell damage from not having blood flow to my foot. Good luck & wish you the best.


I had total knee replacement 1 1/2 years ago and I have alot of nerve pain in my foot. It is extremely painful & has not went away with time.


I had total knee replacement 1 1/2 years ago and I have alot of nerve pain in my foot. It is extremely painful & has not went away with time.

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So sorry to hear that! I've been told by the surgeon who did the surgery to open the popliteal artery that my TKR surgeon pinched, that I the numbness I still have could be from cell and tissue damage from lack of blood flow to my lower leg. Some days are worse than others. Now with the NW Minnesota cold winter my foot tends to feel cold when it actually isn't.
Surgeons need to take a little more time and care during surgeon. Mine does 8 TKR and or hips a day!.
I am taking Gabapentin, which helps a little but it is not good for weight lose.
Good luck to you and wish you the best!


@loriaakre That's a lot of surgeries in a day. There's a surgeon up here that is similar, I have heard him referred to as the "cookie cutter surgeon". Some people have great results because he certainly is very experienced, but others do not. People either love him or hate him.


The surgeons last comment to me was "people like you come to me to fix problems like yours" really! He is the one who caused all my problems! Never once has he admitted what he did. When I told him he pinched my artery his comment " why did you wait 60 days to get it fixed most people that this happens to loose their leg" I also ended up with a fractured knee cap by just going up the stairs at home. He just kept blaming me on injuring it. Like falling on it. Which I never did. That visit he said "I bet you wish you never saw me" My insurance mailed me a letter asking how I injured my knee cap because he put that in his notes. I will be having a 1 year check up in Feb. I am doing no better today as far as pain goes than before I had my knee done. Knee hurts yet, nerve damage to my foot and nerve damage to leg but at least I still have my leg for now anyway.


I have a lot of numbness/tingling that goes to different areas of my leg after TKR. I still have the "tight band" feeing just above the knee on the thigh. Saw surgeon yesterday. He says time. Not concerned about the swelling or the tight feeling at all. I just doesn't feel right to me. He says 5 weeks is not enough time to be done with all these symptoms. Anyone else deal with these things?


I have a lot of numbness/tingling that goes to different areas of my leg after TKR. I still have the "tight band" feeing just above the knee on the thigh. Saw surgeon yesterday. He says time. Not concerned about the swelling or the tight feeling at all. I just doesn't feel right to me. He says 5 weeks is not enough time to be done with all these symptoms. Anyone else deal with these things?

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I had extreme numbness to my foot/leg like it was asleep from the knee down. 5 weeks after TKR they found I had a pinch ch popliteal artery behind n my knee and had to have artery surgery to correct it. I still have some numbness in my foot but at least my toes are not purple and I still have my leg! TKR Dr said why did I wait 60 days to fix it and that most people that happens too lose their leg. He still has not admitted to what he did and probably never will. Its been almost 12 months my TKR surgery.
I have also heard if turniquit is on to long or not on correctly can cause issues. I had a bruise the size of a salad plate on the top of my thigh from the turniquit. It was almost black and lasted for weeks.


I have a lot of numbness/tingling that goes to different areas of my leg after TKR. I still have the "tight band" feeing just above the knee on the thigh. Saw surgeon yesterday. He says time. Not concerned about the swelling or the tight feeling at all. I just doesn't feel right to me. He says 5 weeks is not enough time to be done with all these symptoms. Anyone else deal with these things?

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I would agree with your surgeon, I had tightness much longer than 5 weeks after surgery. If you are in PT what are they saying?

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