Fish Oil Capsules -- Are Cloudy Opaque Capsules Safe & Effective?

Posted by tangoman @tangoman, Jan 29, 2024

Purchased a bottle of Fish Oil Softgels 1000 mg with an expiration date of 12/24. Unlike previous purchases, these were cloudy & semi-opaque. I googled the same topic, and only one result asserted they were OK, but that was from company that sells fish oil supplements so I don't trust the source.

In your opinion, are cloudy fish oil softgel supplements as safe & effective as the translucent ones?

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tangoman @tangoman

Like you, I am always suspicious when a drug / supplement changes. Mfg may of changed formula or maybe they froze prior to hitting shelf. My fish oil pills have always been 100% opaque. I use Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, 1280 mg Omega-3. .

I would got to mfg / brand website, find a contact or customer service link and send them email. Maybe with picture of prev and new pill showing difference. Though opaque may not show well in pic.

I have had good success with mfg responding to my questions or complaints.



When in doubt, Throw it out. Why take the risk.


Anytime you see a change, be cautious. You can call the company and see what they say.

Generally, if I notice something different in a pill like that, I just throw it out, out of caution.

Some color changes are normal and fine...but you have to ascertain that.

That would be through your doctor. You can see what the company says, but they have a financial interest in not getting sued, so you don't know if they are going to give you an accurate assessment.


tangoman @tangoman

Like you, I am always suspicious when a drug / supplement changes. Mfg may of changed formula or maybe they froze prior to hitting shelf. My fish oil pills have always been 100% opaque. I use Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, 1280 mg Omega-3. .

I would got to mfg / brand website, find a contact or customer service link and send them email. Maybe with picture of prev and new pill showing difference. Though opaque may not show well in pic.

I have had good success with mfg responding to my questions or complaints.


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And don't forget that a drug store, or a supermarket, employ high school kids.

And those kids make next to no money and often have next to no loyalty to the company or the products.

So, the idea that a high school kid might leave a pallet of something on a loading dock, in the bright sunlight and high heat for hours? I am sure that happens and relatively frequently.

Many, many, many products that I have had, have been poor or tainted or whatever. And is across the board, hardly unique to health food products.

Politicians lie to us. They tell us that taxes must be cut, must be cut, must be cut. And then the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater. Because all industry and businesses need regular, thorough regulation and inspection. And when that does not happen, we get bad products, listeria, salmonella and on.

I remember before the era of endless tax cuts...and listeria and salmonella warnings were maybe 10 or 20 times less than they are now.

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