First round of Enhertu a bear! Anyone else?

Posted by earnoldnpr @earnoldnpr, Jun 8 5:57pm

Hi. 64 year old with stage IV serous endometrial. A year out after many rounds of chemo (carbo, taxol, herceptin) and major surgery, was NED for 6 months. New tumor now pushing against duadenum and some other nodules showing up. Started on Enhertu a week ago and am just flattened with nausea and no energy. Worried I can’t keep this up for many rounds? Taking zofram.. not much help.
Does it get easier? Harder? Drugs that help? Looking for any and all advice as staying active is my coping mechanism. Thanks to all in advance.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Gynecologic Cancers Support Group.

Ask your doctor if they can give aprepitant or fosaprepitant prior to chemo. They are anti-nausea drugs that last for 3 days.


Hope it works for you. My wife has been fighting OV for over 4 years. Get multiple 2nd opinions and get to a specialty Cancer Center early on in your journey.

Make sure your team is in it to Win for you and your lead Oncologist is your greatest advocate for whatever it takes.

Best of success in your journey.


Hi, I have been on Enhertu since October, 2023. I am 75 and have recurrent ovarian cancer. Diagnosed in 2019, the usual treatment and surgery, NED until Oct. 2022 then 6 rounds of liposomal doxorubicin and carboplatin. After taking a chemo holiday and the tumor in my pelvic area growing, I applied for a grant for Enhertu. The drug was granted through the drug company. What I found is that the SE do get better and I have about 10 days where I can function normally. I have to be careful what I eat the first week or so. Small balance meals, nothing artificial. Not too much food at first or I get the feeling of being too full. Stamina comes back to the point where I can play pickleball around day 10-12. If you are a FB member, there is a group for Enhertu on FB. People report varying SE but it might help. So hope this works for you and you get some periods of normalcy. The best to you.

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