Findings in Mammogram

Posted by jjj512 @jjj512, Jun 12, 2023

I had a yearly mammogram. The findings state architectural distortion in the left breast from the CC view only. I will be going back for a contrast mammogram. The appointment is several weeks away. I am frantic. I do not understand the results. I do not understand what they are looking for.
I seem to get called back alot and I feel like this is not good if I keep getting called back (this is my third time to come back for more screens on different yearly appointments). Any help would be appreciated.

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I’ll have to look but I know it didn’t say architectural distortion. I’m thinking, without looking at report just ‘tumor’


I’ll have to look but I know it didn’t say architectural distortion. I’m thinking, without looking at report just ‘tumor’

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Thank you.


@jjj512 I too had my yearly mammograms in 12/21 come back with architectural distortion. The steps they followed for my situation-I had a contrast MRI, a stereotactic biopsy where pathology showed a radial scar(not really a scar also called a complex sclerosing lesion). Surgeon recommended removing to make sure nothing else was lurking. I had a lumpectomy to remove. Pathology came back listing every benign thing that could be in your breast and a foci of atypical ductal hyperplasia. This last one is not cancer but puts you in a higher risk group and you will be monitored closely usually with some type of imaging every 6 months. I ended up changing doctors due to rude office staff. The new doctor never had pathology reviewed but just went with the existing diagnosis. After my 2nd mammo post lumpectomy this new dr all of a sudden did not have all my records(???)which made me uncomfortable. I then sent all of my records, mammos, pathology to a bigger breast care center in adjacent state. I just met with them and they do not see ADH and in fact narrowed down the pathology report to listing a few things. I told you this long crazy story as the one thing I have learned on this journey is advocate for yourself. Ask lots of questions and if you are uncomfortable with the answers or quality of care get another opinion. Keep us posted and positive thoughts your way!


Thank you for responding it means a lot.


@jjj512 another thought came to mind. Request a MRI. During the call backs on the mammograms, what are the results & what is your Dr. telling you. An MRI could/would tell more regarding your breasts. Do you have dense tissue? Mammograms sometimes miss things if there is dense tissue. That’s how my cancer was found with MRI. I had a proactive Dr that wanted to see more into my tissue, even though I had a ‘normal’ mammogram. Be proactive. Stay strong.

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An MRI picked up cancer what the
Mam & U/S did not
I have dense
That is what I am going to
Advocate for
Myself since the others didn’t pick it up


I am still waiting for the diagnostic mammogram. I have been googling and that is not good. I am worried waiting. I appreciate this group.

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