Findings in Mammogram

Posted by jjj512 @jjj512, Jun 12, 2023

I had a yearly mammogram. The findings state architectural distortion in the left breast from the CC view only. I will be going back for a contrast mammogram. The appointment is several weeks away. I am frantic. I do not understand the results. I do not understand what they are looking for.
I seem to get called back alot and I feel like this is not good if I keep getting called back (this is my third time to come back for more screens on different yearly appointments). Any help would be appreciated.

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The waiting is the worst. The good news is they are on top of it. I think it's a head game and so much anxiety. Wish you well and know you have a great support group on this site 💕


@jjj512 has your dr called you with the results? Have your doctor (not the nurse) call you and explain the results and WHY the further screening. Unfortunately we are the ones the need to be proactive. In my book the dr owes the patient a phone call to explain all the results to our satisfaction. Stay strong. Prayers going out to you. ❤️


I agree with the previous comments and would like to add the following. Whatever screens, biopsies, or doctor consultations are scheduled, call them every day or every other day and ask if they have an earlier opening. I did this every step of the way as it would have taken months to get the answers needed to start formulating a plan if I had breast cancer. Not knowing IS the worst. I believe I shaved off at least 6 weeks of waiting between mammograms, MRI scans, ultrasounds, biopsies, and doctor consultations by being proactive and persistent. I hope you get good news. Architectural distortion can be scar tissue or it can show early signs of breast cancer by identifying a change in the breast tissue pattern. That is what I was told. Wishing you good health.


@jjj512 another thought came to mind. Request a MRI. During the call backs on the mammograms, what are the results & what is your Dr. telling you. An MRI could/would tell more regarding your breasts. Do you have dense tissue? Mammograms sometimes miss things if there is dense tissue. That’s how my cancer was found with MRI. I had a proactive Dr that wanted to see more into my tissue, even though I had a ‘normal’ mammogram. Be proactive. Stay strong.


I agree with the previous comments and would like to add the following. Whatever screens, biopsies, or doctor consultations are scheduled, call them every day or every other day and ask if they have an earlier opening. I did this every step of the way as it would have taken months to get the answers needed to start formulating a plan if I had breast cancer. Not knowing IS the worst. I believe I shaved off at least 6 weeks of waiting between mammograms, MRI scans, ultrasounds, biopsies, and doctor consultations by being proactive and persistent. I hope you get good news. Architectural distortion can be scar tissue or it can show early signs of breast cancer by identifying a change in the breast tissue pattern. That is what I was told. Wishing you good health.

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Thank you for replying.


@jjj512 another thought came to mind. Request a MRI. During the call backs on the mammograms, what are the results & what is your Dr. telling you. An MRI could/would tell more regarding your breasts. Do you have dense tissue? Mammograms sometimes miss things if there is dense tissue. That’s how my cancer was found with MRI. I had a proactive Dr that wanted to see more into my tissue, even though I had a ‘normal’ mammogram. Be proactive. Stay strong.

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Thank you for your reply. It means a lot. They said I have very dense breasts.


@jjj512 another thought came to mind. Request a MRI. During the call backs on the mammograms, what are the results & what is your Dr. telling you. An MRI could/would tell more regarding your breasts. Do you have dense tissue? Mammograms sometimes miss things if there is dense tissue. That’s how my cancer was found with MRI. I had a proactive Dr that wanted to see more into my tissue, even though I had a ‘normal’ mammogram. Be proactive. Stay strong.

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I am having a contrast mammogram. They said like mri. U think good or should I ask for mri?


@jjj512 I’m thinking an MRI. Obviously there is a difference between Contrast Mammogram & MRI. Thinking it’s about dollars. I’d request the MRI. You have history of recalls on mammograms. You need to get to the bottom of what’s there and What is Causing the Callbacks! Be persistent!

I found this on internet. FWIW
What is the difference between contrast-enhanced mammography and CE-MRI?
While contrast-enhanced mammography and contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI) showed comparable diagnostic performance for detecting breast cancer, CE-MRI had superior sensitivity and negative likelihood ratios with higher pretest probabilities to rule out malignancy.


@sequoia what did your pathology reports say? Did it say architectural distortion or something else?

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