Feeling guilty that my family is dealing with my cancer

Posted by ronc531 @ronc531, 6 days ago

Is it normal to feel guilty about what I am putting my family through?

feeling bad my wife and son have to go through this.

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It's hard. Breaks my heart when my husband melts down over my condition. Glad we have each other.


@ronc531, I think that is a very normal feeling. I bet they would be surprised to hear that you are adding guilt to your bucket full of emotions. I also bet they are struggling with a range of emotions themselves. Have you talked to your wife and son about your feelings of guilt?

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I did talk to my wife about it, she was very supportive but hate to see have to go through this.


I sometimes feel the same way pal. Don’t dull on it. You would’ve been there for them had it been the other way around. I for one am just thankful that it’s me and not one of my immediate family members (my wife, daughters or grandchildren). God gives its strongest battles to its strongest soldiers. Take care.
God bless you.

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Thank you


I sometimes feel the same way pal. Don’t dull on it. You would’ve been there for them had it been the other way around. I for one am just thankful that it’s me and not one of my immediate family members (my wife, daughters or grandchildren). God gives its strongest battles to its strongest soldiers. Take care.
God bless you.


@ronc531, I think that is a very normal feeling. I bet they would be surprised to hear that you are adding guilt to your bucket full of emotions. I also bet they are struggling with a range of emotions themselves. Have you talked to your wife and son about your feelings of guilt?


I think it's perfectly normal. And the reason(s) might be different for different people. For me, I often let my wife know how much her care and help are appreciated, and, I'm trying to soak in every good minute and think less about the bad. That's easier said than done I know! I am also hopeful about the future of cancer cures. My Urologist thinks we're very close to curing RCC kidney cancer (and others) in maybe three to five years. I love his optimism!! In any event, you're not alone or abnormal for feeling guilty- it's just part of going through what we have to go through.


I told my wife and kid, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you just never know what you gonna get", per Forest Gump's Momma.

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