For those of you who have not found relief from your symptoms, consider a functional medicine doctor. After 3 endoscopies and taking meds that caused side effects, I was told to never take a PPI again (Proton Pump Inhibitor. )
I turned to functional medicine and testing revealed root causes of my symptoms. You can find a functional medicine doctor by city and state at It’s been tremendously helpful for me.
I am in about the same stage as you. Don't believe std. docs really understand the microbiome system; hoping to find one to at least give them a chance. Looking for a gastro doc in Rochester. . . not sure who would be best for SIBO-- small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Am on the low FODMAP diet for now, low motility, occasional diarrhea. Have not tried rigorous probiotics yet but on my agenda.
Tried a naturopath doc and he diagnosed the SIBO(fecal & Breath testing) but he wanted me to take over 900 pills in the next 30 days to solve the problem. Sounded like a recipe for disaster(reactions!) so I walked away. Presently working with a dietician. . .
Good Luck to YOU.
My doctor prescribed a prebiotic and probiotic for SIBO. After a period of time I went off the prebiotic and remain in the probiotic. She has a nutritionist on her staff that I’ve been working with. They both believe the Lowfodmap diet is too restrictive. I kept a food diary for a week prior to my first appointment with the nutritionist and we reviewed it. She helped narrow down foods to eliminate based on too much sugar content. The SIBO bacteria feed on sugar and the goal is to get the bacteria in the small intestine back to the lower intestine where they belong. If you’re looking for a doctor, my doc is a functional medicine doctor. You can search for one at by state and city. It took me three tries before I found one that is fantastic. And I’ve been with her now for two years. Insurance doesn’t cover, but it’s with it or at least get tested by one and get recommendations to help you.
Best of luck!
thanks! Have you tried "spore" biotics at all?
Do you have any suggestions for integrated doc or when reviewing one online, to evaluate those with highest potential. . . looking for a way to weed out most of the less effective ones. I chose a naturopath and dumped him. . . he at least got me tested so I know I actually have SIBO. I have just found a dietician with background treating SIBO and may stay with her. . .
As to naturopath vs integrated doc. Can you guide as to how strongly you feel about Int. Doc vs ND? thx
I can honestly say I am truly disappointed in the entire Mayo process in trying to secure an apt in their GI dept. I totally understand that they receive more requests for apts than they can fill, but literally every person I spoke with there, gave me misinformation and misled me, if not out and out lied. Why tell you to mail records, tests, drs reports for their gi dept to review, when they mail out a letter denying you an apt before you even have a chance to send it out? Then when you call to ask this are told, oh, that was a mistake, you may still get an apt. After hearing nothing after two weeks, I call again. Well, you did receive a letter. No apt. So how did they make this difficult decision based on nothing more than a brief phone discussion? Oh, she says, let me look. We don’t have anything different to offer than what your dr in Cleveland did. He isn’t even my most recent dr.
Then they ought to take down their page offering a bowel re-training program and the Bowel Evacuation Disorders Program, because I have not done either of those.
I was always under the impression that Mayo Clinic was the place you sought when no one else had answers. I guess I was wrong, again. The same thing happened when I tried to
go there for my migraines. At least they had the courtesy to be honest up front and not put me through the trouble, expense and stress of this whole process.
I can honestly say I am truly disappointed in the entire Mayo process in trying to secure an apt in their GI dept. I totally understand that they receive more requests for apts than they can fill, but literally every person I spoke with there, gave me misinformation and misled me, if not out and out lied. Why tell you to mail records, tests, drs reports for their gi dept to review, when they mail out a letter denying you an apt before you even have a chance to send it out? Then when you call to ask this are told, oh, that was a mistake, you may still get an apt. After hearing nothing after two weeks, I call again. Well, you did receive a letter. No apt. So how did they make this difficult decision based on nothing more than a brief phone discussion? Oh, she says, let me look. We don’t have anything different to offer than what your dr in Cleveland did. He isn’t even my most recent dr.
Then they ought to take down their page offering a bowel re-training program and the Bowel Evacuation Disorders Program, because I have not done either of those.
I was always under the impression that Mayo Clinic was the place you sought when no one else had answers. I guess I was wrong, again. The same thing happened when I tried to
go there for my migraines. At least they had the courtesy to be honest up front and not put me through the trouble, expense and stress of this whole process.
I can honestly say I am truly disappointed in the entire Mayo process in trying to secure an apt in their GI dept. I totally understand that they receive more requests for apts than they can fill, but literally every person I spoke with there, gave me misinformation and misled me, if not out and out lied. Why tell you to mail records, tests, drs reports for their gi dept to review, when they mail out a letter denying you an apt before you even have a chance to send it out? Then when you call to ask this are told, oh, that was a mistake, you may still get an apt. After hearing nothing after two weeks, I call again. Well, you did receive a letter. No apt. So how did they make this difficult decision based on nothing more than a brief phone discussion? Oh, she says, let me look. We don’t have anything different to offer than what your dr in Cleveland did. He isn’t even my most recent dr.
Then they ought to take down their page offering a bowel re-training program and the Bowel Evacuation Disorders Program, because I have not done either of those.
I was always under the impression that Mayo Clinic was the place you sought when no one else had answers. I guess I was wrong, again. The same thing happened when I tried to
go there for my migraines. At least they had the courtesy to be honest up front and not put me through the trouble, expense and stress of this whole process.
You can find a functional medicine doctor by city and state at The site has a bio on each doc and the issues they treat.
Best to you. I know how incredibly frustrating it is to find someone who truly listens and knows how to test and treat.
Can you offer state you found functional med doc?
Few around me.
My doctor prescribed a prebiotic and probiotic for SIBO. After a period of time I went off the prebiotic and remain in the probiotic. She has a nutritionist on her staff that I’ve been working with. They both believe the Lowfodmap diet is too restrictive. I kept a food diary for a week prior to my first appointment with the nutritionist and we reviewed it. She helped narrow down foods to eliminate based on too much sugar content. The SIBO bacteria feed on sugar and the goal is to get the bacteria in the small intestine back to the lower intestine where they belong. If you’re looking for a doctor, my doc is a functional medicine doctor. You can search for one at by state and city. It took me three tries before I found one that is fantastic. And I’ve been with her now for two years. Insurance doesn’t cover, but it’s with it or at least get tested by one and get recommendations to help you.
Best of luck!
thanks! Have you tried "spore" biotics at all?
Do you have any suggestions for integrated doc or when reviewing one online, to evaluate those with highest potential. . . looking for a way to weed out most of the less effective ones. I chose a naturopath and dumped him. . . he at least got me tested so I know I actually have SIBO. I have just found a dietician with background treating SIBO and may stay with her. . .
As to naturopath vs integrated doc. Can you guide as to how strongly you feel about Int. Doc vs ND? thx
I can honestly say I am truly disappointed in the entire Mayo process in trying to secure an apt in their GI dept. I totally understand that they receive more requests for apts than they can fill, but literally every person I spoke with there, gave me misinformation and misled me, if not out and out lied. Why tell you to mail records, tests, drs reports for their gi dept to review, when they mail out a letter denying you an apt before you even have a chance to send it out? Then when you call to ask this are told, oh, that was a mistake, you may still get an apt. After hearing nothing after two weeks, I call again. Well, you did receive a letter. No apt. So how did they make this difficult decision based on nothing more than a brief phone discussion? Oh, she says, let me look. We don’t have anything different to offer than what your dr in Cleveland did. He isn’t even my most recent dr.
Then they ought to take down their page offering a bowel re-training program and the Bowel Evacuation Disorders Program, because I have not done either of those.
I was always under the impression that Mayo Clinic was the place you sought when no one else had answers. I guess I was wrong, again. The same thing happened when I tried to
go there for my migraines. At least they had the courtesy to be honest up front and not put me through the trouble, expense and stress of this whole process.
Cleveland Clinic Weston Florida. Dr. Stephen Wexner
Clevand clinic did you try there ? What are your problems
Yes, I’ve been to CC. Slow transit constipation with pelvic floor dysfunction.
Which one did you go too? Which doctor there? Did you not like Clevand clinic?
What area do you live in. I am a couple hours away from Atlanta
Would a referall make a difference. My friend had another tissue and got appt.
You can find a functional medicine doctor by city and state at The site has a bio on each doc and the issues they treat.
Best to you. I know how incredibly frustrating it is to find someone who truly listens and knows how to test and treat.